The medical workers of Hungary have started their own protest

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A few weeks ago it was the judges, and soon the government workers will go too. Nothing too exceptional, but the discontent in Hungary is palpable. And just as a sidenote, Péter Magyar, the challenger of Orbán is also with the protestors

Also Magyar will hold a massive rally on March 15, it’s a national holiday. Hundreds of thousands will attend.

This is hopeful. Good on you Hungary, get angry and get the toad out of office. You deserve better.

I love the fact that they are still using Hungarian flag with thee middle cut out as a protest flag. It was first used in Rákosi era where they cut out the Communist Emblem in the middle of the flag.

The cynic in me wonders if those US troops being pulled from Germany are on their way to Hungary to help prop up Orbán.

Sok szerencsĂ©t szomszĂ©daim! It’s time you get rid of Orbán and his corrupt regime. Hungary’s place is fully in the EU fighting against our common enemy: Russia. Hajrá Magyarország, hajrá magyarok! 🇭🇺🇷🇴🇪🇺

I hope the same people who were fuming a couple days ago about what Orban is doing in the EU see this and find some peace.

Hungarians are not supporting that toad, but a divided opposition is weak against a united autocratic-leaning party.

I hope the Hungarian people will overthrow Orban

keep protesting guys!

I wish that Orban and Fico would finally get rid.
Wishing that in Italy Lega and M5S will not cause issues after

lol they should in Slovakia and Czechia too our system is such a fkn joke it’s unbelievable

Are there any chance for a change in goverment in the next election?

Good luck Hungary 🙏

Wait until next weekend when 100,000 people will march against this shitface Orban

5 years too late but at least Hungarians are finally seeing reason

Here is PROOF that Trump is taking PEACE from the Earth!!!

US teachers take notice. They are shutting down the department of education. Where is the outrage?

Why did they elect him to begin with?? I’m genuinely curious.

Correction *THE MEDICAL DOCTORS* are protesting. No other medical union eg.: nurses joined the protest sadly

Has Orban accused Soros already?

Wish you the best, Hungary.

Time works against Orban.

I understand that Orban is actually only popular among the older generation (over 50), which is the most populous group, of course — and the one whose lives were shaped by the Soviet era, by the way.

Hold tight, my friends, nothing lasts forever 🙂

Aren’t there some millionaires who could fund the protests? I mean…would be a nice change.

If I had the chance I’d tell them to lay down work as long as they like. I will pay you. 🙂

Is his opponent EU friendly?

Two vultures, Orban and demence-don are smelling blood , and have together started spiralling downwards towards…..

Is it anti-Orban or just for cheaper goods and bigger salary from our loved president?

If the medical workers are hungry then give them some food 🤔

What are they Hangary about?

Alright, maybe I am being insensitive; someone make a fucking lot of sandwiches and then we’ll talk about it.

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