The meltdown continues

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The White Whorehouse.

Why does his inauguration need donations? Is this a normal thing in the US? It seems bizarre.

Also, fuck everyone who sends a penny!

Always was; his grandfather ran a brothel.

Guess it’s time to switch back to Android?

Look everyone I’m doing a bribe.

The WH is once again open to the highest bidder. Trump will continue to funnel funds into his businesses and his handlers will start drafting legislations designed to benefit their collective businesses. Welcome to a new Gilded Age.

Cause they are all afraid about tariffs, mark my words, the 8 CEO will want a break and underhand assistance from TDump

This should be illegal

Tim Apple joining the gang. 

Money in politics. Way to go Tim Apple.

God damnit, Tim Apple.

Become? Or is?

So what’s he saying to these companies behind the scenes that they are all suddenly bending the knee? Because they know full well that this money is not going to the inauguration. That’s why he hasn’t signed off on the documentation limiting the contributions for this purpose.

Here’s the tell. If his inauguration looks exactly like every one that came before it, those inaugurations were fund capped, and the question becomes – where are all these millions going?

We only need to look at 2016 for the answer.

Wealthy looking for a tax cut.

Well it looks like I’m canceling my Apple account and going back to a Android.

It’s a payment to avoid his wrath, he is weaponizing and monetizing the presidency.

We’re turning into Russia quicker than I can blink

A lot of tech corps donated to the Biden inauguration. Google. Microsoft.


I work in tech, advising big govt depts what tech to buy. I will say that if you donate $1M to Trump but donated nothing to Biden, I will be making a note.

Still just gonna be McDicks on a foldup table at the reception. Trump be taking all the money for himself as usual.

Call Luigi?

I am confused.

Is donating for an inauguration always a thing, and considered normal?

I never heard about corporations doing it before, and I can’t imagine Fox News not milking that shit to bits if it had been money to a Democrat.

So what gives?

This really seems like Nobles or Lords sending Tribute to a King….

Get em Luigi

We are now Russia. Ruled by criminals and oligarchy. The man they buried today was the last real president of the best and the brightest. After him came trickle up and the end of the American experiment.

A meltdown? for whom? blue team? Not really.

a meltdown is plotting to storm the capitol building in a coup attempt because you don’t want the candidate to to get into the white house. That is meltdown.

that is just a snide remark on how horribly corrupt Vice-president Trump is.

Orange is the new kim jung un, kiss his ass or pay a price

And yet somehow this is not extortion.

Pay to Play!

Lolita island investment

This is why we eat the rich

Less a whorehouse, more a protection racket.

Not exactly a whorehouse. This is more like what is known in organized crime as a “protection racket”

Y’know: “Nice business ya got there, Tim Apple. It’d be a shame if anything bad happened to it.”

“Become?” When hasn’t Trump ever licked the boot or tossed the Kremlin salad for whatever he wants?

A billionaire financially dick rides another billionaire who got elected president? I’m shocked.

Tbh, this is a tiny amount of money (for Apple/Tim Cook) to ensure that Trump is friendly to them and allows them to fuck the rest of us over for more profit

Why does an inauguration need or accept donations?

Rich bitches support rich bitches.

Oh are we making a list of CEOs?

Sadly, the whores usually have better morals than the Johns…

What does that say about everyone buddying up to Trump now?

Another’s CEEOH that Mario’s brother needs to visit.

The oligarchs have purchased America and it’s future president. Get ready MAGANutz you have been played and America went to the highest bidder. Don’t expect anything from trump

Reminds me of that scene in Caligula when he turns the palace into a whorehouse.

I wouldn’t fuck anything in that house

Buying a piece of the pie 🥧 thanks maga for selling the country out

and another ceo bends the knee 

I just want to know how the inauguration is so damn expensive. (I know it’s bribes. You don’t have to tell me.)

It’s a bribe to be able to still run business and avoid his tariffs. Let’s be truthful. He is so far doing nothing but trying to enrich himself.

The American politosphere is a clown show.

My disgust with corporate america grows larger every day.

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