The more brain damage you get, the more conservative you are

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“I got tax-paid medical care for life so I can talk about denying everyone else health care more freely”

Brain damage causing conservatism explains a lot of their policies.

Fuck you, John Fetterman. I can’t believe I ever supported this asshole.

I was moving towards the light but I heard a voice say “it is not your time yet, you must grift” and the rest is history.

There have been studies on this. Brain damage is linked to conservatism, sadly.

Are strokes known to turn off basic empathy?

So at least make sure you wear an aluminum hat to prevent worms from entering your brain?

As productive as snarky takes based on a clickbait headline may be, what he’s actually saying is a lot more interesting.

He says almost dying has liberated him to where he talks like a politician who’s retiring (as Maher put it), meaning he’s not afraid to say what he really thinks. Rather than worrying about the blowback and which voters he’s going to offend, he just calls it as he sees it.

And the point about progressivism was from a different part of the interview. Maher asks him why he stopped calling himself a progressive and Fetterman says other people stopped calling him that, after he came out in support of Israel after the October 6th attacks.

May not agree, but IMO it’s interesting. I wish more politicians would speak plainly about their beliefs.

It’s terrible but my 2 buddies with major brain damage both are the most conservative dudes I know.

Brain damage and conservative. A way shittier version of peanut butter and jelly.

So the theories that his stroke broke his brain are accurate


The infamous shorts and hoodies again

I hear brain worms have a similar effect. 

Such a disappointment. I made my one and only political donation to his campaign. He can get fucked now. And as a fellow really tall guy he’s out of our club.

John Fetterman? More like Con Better, man

Josh Shapiro is superior to him in every way

I had high hopes for Fetterman, but not any more…

This dude is about to flip to a republican.

That AIPAC money is strong

It’s the cant beat em join em philosophy

Bros brain is oatmeal

The arrogance to say that “progressives” were some big boogie man you were afraid to speak out against, and then after you had a freaking stroke (a medical event that the right used to mock and attack you while the left continued to support and play defense on your behalf) now you’ve found some new backbone to justify a genocide. That’s one hell of a bold, boneheaded move, Cotton.

Fuck this grifter.

Progressives are the only ones who supported him and got him elected. We defended him when no one else did. We even defended his fashion choices. And this is how he talks about us? It’s just so disappointing.

Did the stoke kill the logical sane part of his brain or something. Or are his values flexible and he’ll align with whomever just to remain in the power base.

Didnt conservatives call him disparaging names related to his intelligence?

He was never left-wing. He was a GOP plant from day 1.

So when is Fetterman going to pledge his allegiance to MAGA?

Recall incoming and needed. Send his ass packing back to shitheadsville.

This dude hurt got so fucked up in the head he caught the GOP virus?! lol!!!!

We’re the laughingstock of planet.

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