The more things change, the more they stay the same.

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That is an actual clever as fuck comeback.


Finally a good fucking post

Werner Von Braunnoser

It’s never going to change until we change it. The rich are just going to keep dividing the “poors” against each other so they can continue to do whatever the hell they want without repercussions. This all just one big fucking joke to that rich piece of human filth.

I love that education from Mallory on Archer

[Tom Lehrer – Wernher von Braun](

He has Dr. Strangelove Syndrome.

I’m laughing. This is hilarious. Now I’m crying. This is sad.

Operation Paperclip was a greater good operation.

SpaceX is a dogshit billionaire doing it because it’s a trophy.

It’s actually a completely different thing.

why am i not shocked by elon musk doing this

were doomed



Von Braun Jr?

I aim for the stars, but sometimes hit London.

Well, they exchanged brains for daddys money…

what did they say in that tv show where special forces for us defense was infiltrated and upturned? ah yes hail hydra

A genuine, clever comeback on this sub is probably more surprising than elon doing that, lmao.

About time guys lol

Archer did that joke

Gather ’round while I sing you of Wernher von Braun,

A man whose allegiance

Is ruled by expedience.

Call him a Nazi, he won’t even frown,

“Ha, Nazi, Schmazi, ” says Wernher von Braun.

Don’t say that he’s hypocritical,

Say rather that he’s apolitical.

“Once the rockets are up, who cares where they come down?

That’s not my department, ” says Wernher von Braun.

Some have harsh words for this man of renown,

But some think our attitude

Should be one of gratitude,

Like the widows and cripples in old London town,

Who owe their large pensions to Wernher von Braun.

You too may be a big hero,

Once you’ve learned to count backwards to zero.

“In German oder English I know how to count down,

Und I’m learning Chinese!” says Wernher von Braun.

Songwriter: Tom Lehrer

I mean, he was high as one of Space Xโ€™s satellites if that helps

Can we call him paperclip now

Hell yeah, an Operation Paperclip joke!

for a pay check, people are still gonna kill other people …

Musk and Trump.

Remind me of another Infamous duoย 

Operation Paperclip

Very clever callback to us using Nazi researchers in the space race. Good shit! I just wish we weren’t in a situation where such a great comeback was necessary.

seems like the USA not only took our German technology but also our ideology with them after the war. crazy times

Hail hydra

This pussy is so beyond punchable!

So by contrast and comparison, it’s acceptable to behave and perform and associate with acts that mirror or recall National Socialism activities… Because rockets…October Sky….That’s what you’re all saying. Got it. That’s all cleared up.

โ€œDonโ€™t say that heโ€™s hypocritical

Say rather that heโ€™s apolitical

โ€˜Once the rockets are up, who cares where they come down!

Thats not my departmentโ€˜

Says Werner Von Braunโ€

-โ€œWerner Von Braunโ€, by Tom Lehrer. Unfortunately his music is perennially relevant.

Following in Fords ( Henry) footsteps!

To be fair, I knew a couple of the gentlemen from Operation Paperclip and neither they nor their spouses espoused fascism or hateful ideologies at all. I believe one of their sons does, though ([Heritage Foundation](

NASA was made up of a bunch of former Nazis. Look up Operation Paperclip.

Once the rockets are up, who cares where they go down? Thatโ€™s not my departmentย 

It’s bizarre how quickly the images have subsided again. This needs to stay front and center for a while

Maybe missed something. Maybe going to space is just a Nazi thing

If you were giving someone your heart, wouldn’t your palm be facing up?

If this was indeed his intention, he just dropped his heart on the floor.

There’s a joke somewhere about the persons credited with revolutionizing automated ground mobility not changing much.

You should read about Smedley Butler and how he was recruited to spread Nazism in the United States. See if any names stick out to you there and maybe this gesture wonโ€™t seem to be the work of just another immigrant

I think this has all gone to far but this joke is just too good to ignore.

Thatโ€™s hilarious!

I was sure those guys lost in 1945…

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