The more you look at it the better it gets

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They look like retired magicians who now specialize in tarot readings and gluten-free baking

I loved Neil in the young ones

Fred Armisen and Carrie Brownstein have really outdone themselves in the new Portlandia episodes.

I wouldn’t want the world to see me either

nothing’s more punk rock then getting plastic surgery in your 50s.

Oh geez. I see it.

Johnny sure is keeping the local plastic surgeon busy….

They look like Nicholas Cage took a scalpel and switched their faces.

It seems a lot of the glamorous male rockers wind up looking like women when they get older. Maybe it’s the softer looks when they were younger that made them look good, morphs into an old woman look.
David Coverdale – Whitesnake, Steven Tyler – Aerosmith for examples

I am not trying to be critical, it’s just something that I notice.

Holy crap. I hope they see this

shut up and be thankful for The Matrix, folks!

Thought this was the Wachowskis

Why did you post this? He doesn’t want the world to see him.

I just see 2 elder theater kids who still don’t know they’re non-binary yet


They remind me of the portlandia characters that run the Women & Women First bookstore lmao

I understand why they didn’t want the world to see them

but have you tried it? it’s super delicious

I recently learned “name” on my acoustic. Such a banger.

They look good to me!

At least this subreddit doesn’t allow political BS unlike r/clevercomebacks.

He looks like the escort and the John all in one

But, as with the Indigo Girls, they’ve made good songs.

Spoiler alert: there was something in the almond milk

Cara Maria Sorbello is aging poorly.

that’s right


Do ya?

Lesbians that take testosterone…


Sandra Bullock on steroids

Tell them oat milk is where it’s at

It’s not almond milk

They’re the Portlandia sketch.

That’s not even a person anymore

Well, did you like it?

“Toni and Candace, Women and Women First” bookstore, Portlandia.

About to microwave some fried chicken.

The plastic surgeon buy this viral ad placement to try and coerce the Googoo doll singer into buying more surgery or what

Looking like a promo poster or advertisement for “ nip tuck “ iykyk.

Well? Do you like it?

“I’d give up forever to touch you”

Trying out oat milk like I don’t want the world to see me.

Joan Rivers???

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