The NO state solution

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Looks like a mass extinction is happening and
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This left most of the Levant intact lmao

Poor Turkmenistan, what did they do?

Oh well, sacrifices must be made.

Dang Israelโ€™s iron dome really is overpowered

Just get rid of everyone. Problem solved.

Still left behind Turkey, The Levant, and Egypt. There’s work to be done.ย 

Now do Moscow.

Colonial powers: [spend centuries fucking with the middle east for profit and prestige]

Also colonial powers: These savages just can’t be helped. We’d be better off as a species without them.

Why not doing it to west and north Europe and give humanity a break?

If you’re deleting shit off the map for causing problems might wanna toss the U.S, Russia, China, France and the U.K out while you’re at it.

Letโ€™s ignore the whole genocide thing and the court of public opinion for a minute.

I wonder what a move like that would do for geopolitics. So obviously, we wouldnโ€™t have the whole Israel thing anymore. But would anyone ever think to mess with the country that did this? Like โ€œhey, that guy destroyed half a continent, maybe we should just be friendsโ€.

Edit: And the blast that destroys this area doesnโ€™t hurt anyone else.

Lmao and the world got a whole lot better

Why the hell does Israel still exist? They’re committing a genocide. They’re the first country that should go…

Uh we arenโ€™t exactly behaving ourselves ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธeither, Nuke the world?

Just a tad unfair on Kuwait

Lol a nuke that big would do some serious damage globally. Wonโ€™t happen like that but we can clear the land like a clean slate!

Ground zero of the blast is in Iran (?) for some reason. Afghanistan and Pakistan are nuked and neither of them are in the Middle East by any definition of “Middle East”. Aside from that, there are still two places that are not nuked: Gaza and (partly) Israel, therefore the problem of one-state solution vs. two-state solution is **not** resolved by this map.

This map does not represent any “The NO State Solution”. OP needs to try harder and hopefully try to use a dictionary on a more regular basis.

Yeah….it’s like my country (United States) is totally well behaved….

the 99% source of the chaos is still there

well that’s one way to deal with the kurds

The middle east is a crossroads of empires. It was nearly destroyed by the Crusades, then completely destroyed by the Mongols. More recently, it was a laboratory for colonialist powers who were experimenting with precision military operations coupled with long-distance suzerainty. There are reasons it hasn’t seen peace in which the rest of the world is also culpable. I feel like most English-speaking people prefer to think it’s because of their race or their religion. It’s a mindset I associate most closely with reddit atheists, which is to say it’s cringe and I think you all should stop.

Hey look, itโ€™s one of those alt right funny memes! Hahaha bomb the Middle East because weโ€™re better, right?

Ah yes genocide the Arab states bc the whites couldnโ€™t behave and kept being violently colonial? Oh wait thatโ€™s happening right now

Europe snickering in the corner like the kid who started shit but didn’t get in trouble for it

given europe has been a root cause of all major conflicts in human history, this should be europe not middle east.

As an experienced redditor steeped in wisdom with armchair soaked in majesty, I too feel the best solution to news I don’t like and global tensions that barely affect me would be… eradicating millions of people.

Click bait, on the map Israel is still standing

Knowing the west created the mess in the middle east & the US is fueling coups, assasinations & hatred around the world…

If anybody else did the same thing to US map would we witness cowardice cunts jump to praise it like here.

Zionist Hitler meme

Israel still exists on the edge of this map so you would probably still have people fighting over whatever is left.

Oh, no.. I’m expecting gene targeting bio weapons.

They only want to kill the browns

Get rid of Europe while youโ€™re at it.

Iโ€™d bet the Muslims would agree to this faster than a two-state solution.

missed Israel

Lol. Colonialisms final solution

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