The one secret trick insurance companies don’t want reddit to know

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Yup, nobody is denying that but maybe the next one will act better. As if their life depends on it.

More lambs for the slaughter

Right? Thats been running through my head this whole time. Once was not enough.

Insurence compenies hate this one wacky tip!

Yeah, killing one CEO might not change much, but the MASSIVE outrage around the whole situation certainly could. It’s more of a symbol than anything.

And there’s always another bullet. I’m willing to bet that there are more bullets in the world than there are potential CEOs.

,,, so far

I say we are like 5 solid incidents away before a full clusterfuck happens

The ceo is just a figure head. The board is what runs the company

Sure there is, It’s ME! ๐Ÿ˜€

In these runaway capitalist companies Make the position so dangerous nobody wanna take it

You can buy a crate of 1000 rounds for pretty cheap. Thats quite a few CEO’s for the eventual copycat. Besides, it’s not about shooting one dude, it’s about sending a message. I’d invite you to read Uncle Ted’s manifesto if you haven’t already. An-prims and anarcho-centrism is going to get more popular with the current trends and direction of North American society and its cultural shifts.


Perhaps that should be as much a lesson to the CEOs that theyโ€™re just as replaceable to the system. A more valuable cog, but a cog all the same.

Aint that the truth.

Im not certain why Redditors act like this will shift things. If I were to use a meme to ironically describe how ineffective this is:


I was more hoping for the Megamind meme, but this will suffice for my point. This will change, if you’re lucky, their security. Its highly unlikely this will lead to better healthcare. Full stop.

Suddenly all of Reddit condones murderโ€ฆ funny

When Russian snipers kept targeting German officers on the Russian front in WWII, sending officers to the Russian front, or promoting troops to officers became a death sentence or punishment by extension. They could no longer find willing volunteers.

Donโ€™t be so short sighted, comrade.

Everyone knows that. The hope is that perhaps this will motivate some change.

Believe me when I say, America has more than enough ammo to keep this up.

Sometimes jokes get funnier when you repeat them.

Gotta go after the preferred shareholders to really stick it to the man. Smh

Yeah. It’s kinda sad. The guy tried to make a point, and it still means nothing. Common people will continue to get fucked over.ย 

Really, it’s no surprise. Rich people have a vice like grip on society that it would take an unrealistic amount of effort from really determined people to break. And even if they did, think of the French and Russian Revolutions. Those just have rise to dictators after them. Realistically speaking, there has never been one point in history when common citizens have had any real power to change their lives, not since agriculture was invented. And that’s not likely to change.ย 

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