The one thing i never understood for like 20 years

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Wasn’t another explanation that the Pokémon don’t really mind being caught, they just want you to prove your strength to them before they accept you as their trainer?

That same pokemon when they realize the trainer doesn’t have enough colorful metal pins on his backpack for their level:
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Aside from the masterball, Pokemon are supposed to choose to be captured or not, and it’s usually through showing them your strength that they willingly join you

Pokemon have a level of incentive to be with a trainer, it’s their best bet to grow stronger, it’s generally safer than just being in the wild, especially for prey Pokemon, and they provide a more secure source of food than hunting.

But for any of those to be guaranteed, they must make sure the trainer is strong enough to keep up with them, otherwise there’s no guarantee they’ll be able to secure any of those aspects.

As for legendaries, it could be more of a respect thing, you’ve managed to bring them to such a point with only your strength, so they respect you enough to follow your lead.

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Probably because the inside of a pokeball is cozy af + free food from the trainer?

I think there was a line in the Special manga that pokeballs make caught pokemons friendlier. Also the fact that most pokemon are battle-hungry so you bringing them to the team gives them more chance to fight.

An extreme of a pokeball making pokemon friendlier is the luxury ball. In the Special manga, the protag used luxury balls to catch a rampaging genesect, so that after catching, it will guarantee listen to you.

They choose you as well.

They experience extreme propaganda inside the pokeball

PLA is a strange one for this, one minute they’re aggro and almost killing you, the next minute you’ve caught them and are happily talking to them like old pals, especially with alphas

They suddenly get free healthcare and corrective glasses, no wonder they’re happier!

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“Charizard, I choose You!”

Also Charizard:

The inside of the Pokeball is a pocket torture dimension where time passes differently. In those 5 seconds the Pokemon undergoes years of Stockholm syndrome and their will is broken. They are barely capable of maintaining a sense of self by repeating their name over and over and over until it’s the only phrase they ever utter.

Ne looking at legendaries with my quick and ultra balls “Alright [insert legendary], we can do this the easy way or the hard way. The choice is yours”
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Pokeballs are enslaving devices

They just understand that it’s better not to argue with that crazy mf.

inside the pokeball lie horrors beyond pokemons comprehension

Makes you wonder what’s in the pokeball. Must be good stuff.

Charizard will still throw hands though

See. The solution Is simple.
They have drugs In the poke balls.

Stockholm-Syndrome is super effective

the horrors that occur in the Pokeball breaks them! they yearn for servitude if only to escape the confines of that hellball.

Just started Ultra Sun, and the transition from beating some pokemon to a pulp, catching it, and then gently petting it is wild.

It puts the lotion on the skin, or it gets the hose again.

They get brainwashed by chemicals inside the pokeball

The Pokéball is essentially an indoctrination tool that captures, tortures and brainwashes the Pokémon and forces them into a lifetime of enslavement. The only time that they come close to “breaking free” of this enslaving tool, is when their level/ mental state increases rapidly and they start to rebel against their “master” (enslaver). Each time they enter the pokeball they receive a constant stream of electromagnetic waves that keeps this endless stream of enslavement going all the while tricking them into “believing” that they “love” their master.

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Radical acceptance.

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