The “pale blue” dress my sister bought for my wedding

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How….it’s just….it’s so easy to not do this.

I bet you have stories. Has she always been like this?


If it is white-ish…and not pale blue **squints eyes to see the presence of blue in the image**

You know what else isn’t blue? A big glass of red wine. 🍷

tell her to find something else or she can stay home and your mom can keep her company

Is the blue in the room with us omg

That’s clearly gold not blue.

Honestly at that point I think i’d just tell her that if wearing that dress is really more important than coming to my wedding and having a relationship with me then i wasn’t going to argue with her but i would take note.

And if she tried to turn it around on me i’d just tell her that no amount of words out of her mouth would ever convince me she didn’t know what she was doing, and i wasn’t even going to consider entertaining it.

But I also don’t come from a toxic family that would treat me like this, so my take is probably unrealistic revenge porn. In any case I’m really sorry that you’re being put in this position OP, it should be so simply to respect

When making Myra Breckinridge, Mae West demanded that no one else was allowed to wear black and white but her, so in scenes where they wanted Raquel Welch to wear white, they outfitted her in a blue so pale that it registered as white on camera.

This is like the weird inverse of that.

Don’t get mad. Just tell the photographer to minimize the pictures she’s in. It’s like turning your back on a misbehaving puppy. 

If she wears it get a bunch of people to ask her if she’s pregnant at the wedding.

If you don’t uninvite her, please ask your photographer to photoshop every picture of her to be wearing baby poop green.

Eh, she’s only embarrassing herself. If she wants attention she’s definitely gonna get it 😒



Looks like a white sheet from a mid level hotel wrapped around the body and secured with a fancy shower hook.
Your sister knows exactly what she’s doing and if she insists on wearing this ugly, basic white dress to your wedding tell her beforehand that she won’t be appearing in any photos from the event- and make sure your photographer is aware as well.

The fact that she’s not wearing an assigned dress as a maid of honor or even a bridesmaid is pretty telling as well. 

I had to wear plum color for my brothers wedding. I was heavier than I am now. It was summer in New York. I was a big sweaty plum

Congratulations on the double wedding… and if your sister isn’t getting married too then she needs to choose to wear something that isn’t a wedding dress!

That isn’t mildly infuriating. That’s kicked out of the wedding.

“Hey I was told your dress doesn’t meet the dress code.  If you can’t return it let me know and I will purchase you a different dress to wear” 

Or if you don’t have the funds to buy a cheaper dress.  A blanket message to everyone of “please ensure you meet the strict dress code, ushers have been told to refuse entry to those who do not”.  Have your mother send that message out 🙂 

There are a lot of really nice people in these comments. They are not who you should listen to.
Don’t make your photographer do more work by editing her out or changing the color of the dress.
You specifically said no pale colors. She did this on purpose and wants to steal attention from you on your wedding day.

Tell your mother that you love her but her opinion in this does not matter. It’s your wedding and you do not want your sister to show up in this dress.

Tell your sister that she can choose between 2 options:
– be present in a completely different dress that is not white or pale colored
– she can be uninvited if she continues to insist on wearing this one or she if buys another that is pale or white colored. I’d also tell her directly that if she does decide to show up in this dress or a similarly colored one, she will be escorted out.

Yeah that’d be an uninvited sister for me

That has as much blue as Sinatra’s martinis had vermouth.

Can I get an invite to the wedding ? I’ll make sure it’s actually blue before the ceremony even starts !

She’s not invited anymore right?

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