The Party of Traditional Values

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Exodus 22:21 — โ€œyou shall not wrong or oppress a foreigner; for you were foreigners in the land of Egypt.โ€

To the Right, the Bible is a justification to oppress, not a guideline for how to care for others.

Yah well just remember, nazi germany started the same way. One or two then ten then 100 then do it or go to the camps.

The look on all of their faces is really telling. Not one of them have an ounce of empathy, shame or compassion in their eyes for whatโ€™s being said. Hell, the blonde looks like she wants to spit on someone.

“This person should be deported for speaking her mind to the President of a country founded on Freedom of Speech.” ๐Ÿคง

She meant DEI = Deport Elon immediately ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€

Actual Christian values? No thanks!

Right…let’s deport someone who believes that all people should be treated equally. ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ

Wouldn’t be the first orange man was called out for his hypocrisy. The pastor hurt his widdle heart, awww, I feel so sad-not. But guys could we please include some real comeback. As much as I like seeing stupidity buried, seeing this orange man every 2 seconds with a “no you” response is really nauseous.

It’s hilarious that they always cry about free speech when they are shunned for being assholes, but literally call for the removal of natural born American citizens when they criticize their candidates. She and her family were born and raised in New Jersey.

Did Mike Collins just say “Heil Hitler” or am I the only one who heard it?

**Everyone thought Trump had farted, but it was really JD this time.**

Is Vance actually rolling his eyes? And the dude to behind him and to his right, whatโ€™s he glaring at? Trump?

Well, now we know why they hate antifa so much.

What the fuck is Tiffany looking at?

I love AOC

Masks fully off. We have an opportunity to completely pull this MAGA movement apart in the next year.

Imagine calling for the deportation of a U.S. citizen, a minister no less, for speaking to the President and asking for mercy on behalf of the poor and downtrodden. Real “are we the baddies” territory there.

Nah, nothing gonna happen to EloNazi. All Rep(edo)ublicans are in his pocket. He can open a CAMP in the middle of Disneyland and no one will raise a finger.

T minus five minutes till Republicans and foreign fascist sympathizers start calling the sub out for

“Not being w clever comebacks”


“What happened to this sub” (they never cared when it was trump content

A faith leader who asked in plain terms for mercy and tolerance, and the knee-jerk reaction is to consider doing something harmful. Ethics and optimism are dying in American leadership, and the people voted for it.

I went to see the Bonheoffer movie over the holidays. His appeal to the church when the Nazis were at the church service immediately came to mind when I watched this clip the other day. It’s weird and scary to see history repeating itself……

The craziest part about this tweet is that the Bishop isn’t even an immigrant. Where tf are they threatening to deport her to?

Yeah what happened to deporting all the immigrants that commit crimes

No reason whatsoever that this person is even from another country, let alone here illegally. Just outright admitting that they think “deport” is just the modern version of “exile”. And that this punishment suits the crime of saying, “please don’t be horrible” to the president’s face.

Hell, that one is an illegal immigrant… AOC knows the law.

I love that the Episcopal church is reaching people the way it should, by living out our lives the way Jesus said to, not some weird american christofacism. Love this denomination and love Bishop Budde

Everyone needs to stop showing support for musk and trump drop their platforms. Reacting only feeds them

I hope like hell AOC runs in 2028 (assuming there even is another election.) She’d have my vote in a heartbeat.

Are they trying to weaponize deportations?

What is wrong with these people? Anyone who contradicts Trump should be imprisoned or deported?

Fuck is Mike Collinโ€™s?

They are for old traditional values, old like 1940 circa

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