The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. – George Orwell, 1984

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“To distort history is to dishonor those who lived it and to deceive those who study it.”

And here we are again, words from the pages like prophecy manifested.

It was their final, most essential command. 

The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. ― George Orwell, 1984


The “people” smiling…we need more Luigi’s.

What’s even more vile is everyone in the background smiling and applauding

Unironically the book is banned in Texas. Or was it Florida? Probably both.

My hate goes out to him!

It’s the pleasure on the faces in the crowd that scares me

[Here]comment image) is a much higher-quality version of this image. [Here]( is the source. Per there:

> Tesla, SpaceX and X CEO Elon Musk gestures as hespeaks during an inauguration event at Capital One Arena on January 20, 2025 in Washington, DC. Donald Trump takes office for his second term as the 47th president of the United States. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

[Here]( is video of this.

The January 6 rioters are Trump’s SA, Hitler’s brownshirts who marched in the streets, vandalized businesses of the Jews, and killed people. Hitler got into power by using the election laws and coalitions in the German Parliament—all legal.

At one point during Hitler’s rise to power Goebbels, who was Hitler’s propagandist, met with Germany’s rich industrialists to ask for money to support Hitler’s campaign. Goebbels assured them, if they contributed then, that would be the last election they would have to donate to. There would be no more elections.

I expect we are also seeing the influence of Putin’s plan to consolidate power. He promised the rising oligarchs vast riches by giving them the rights to Russia’s oil and other natural resources. In exchange, Putin was to get half of their profits.

Orban consolidated his power in Hungary by attacking the institutions of society, such as the media and education. Orban visited Trump at his Florida estate several times, most recently in December. I don’t expect it was just for a round of golf.

This is happening in broad daylight and people are acting shocked.

Apparently Trump will be in NC on Friday. If Musk is with him, I expect to see some Nazi salutes from the crowd

Fuck this man and every business he owns.

We know what this is, despite their denials. Our eyes are not lying to us.

Dear USA, now you have NAZIS in The White House, you better fix that before it gets out of control.

All the Smiles in the Background………..blatant acknowledgment ! Sooooo Hitleresque

Holy fuck, this photo is destined for a history textbook in 2105.

This is what US citizens wanted

The people who understand this reference are too few, the ones who don’t get it wouldn’t care if they did.

The fact that a riot hasn’t broken out implies that perhaps the silent majority also actually **don’t care** about nazis either.

Political apathy is the death of democracy.

Is it hopeless if the people we need on our side just think you are referencing the guy who makes buttery popcorn?

Ginni Thomas looks so tickled.

What’s that old saying… if it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck…. its a freaking duck. Whether or not Elon is an actual Nazi, I don’t know, but there is no doubt that he made that gesture intentionally. And if anyone tells you otherwise or thinks otherwise, they’re/you’re stupid.

We are being conditioned and desensitized to abhorrent behavior. When caught in a lie, they will gas light you and eventually they’ll keep doing more and more outrageous things while telling you that it’s not what you think and that you’re the bad person for accusing them of such things. They do this so when they actually do something bad, we’ve been conditioned to blow it off due to the continuous gas lighting

Look at all those smiling faces supporting evil.

Who you going to believe? Me or your lying eyes?

Look at their glee

He’s always surrounded by people gooning to his every utterance. Wish for once he was surrounded by people with integrity.

The villains of our time. Who will be the heroes?

Stop buying Tesla.

While the image of him doing the Nazi salute is horrid, I see a bigger problem in the background where people are applauding it. That’s more worrying.

I had a dementia patient ask why they’re Hitler saluting. A DEMENTIA PATIENT!

“How could they just let it happen?” (pick your dystopian context throughout history)

Well, now we know

why does promoting the new under arm deodorant, ‘musky phascism’ (place accent mark where ever you like), need to be so damn litigious.

for the down voters, please NB, all expressed satire implied and intended.

True Americans would never raise the commie fist or Nazi salute! 

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