The photographer who captured Trump’s head at this angle, 👌

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He had an idea of hair.

Trump desperately trying to hold down Musk’s Nazi saluting arm.

Why is his head that shape 🥴

His head is surprisingly flat…

It’s like he has half a forehead and his head above that is flat all the way to the back of his head?

It’s like someone cut the top dome of his head off, but he managed to survive and heal… might explain a few things ngl

So it’s like a pergola

Man both of these guys sure are ugly. They’re lucky they got money otherwise…

IDGI. There is no reason for a person of means to do a combover these days. Minoxidil, propecia, dutasteride, hair transplants, etc.

Ew, yuck

jaysus.. that’s what something like a dozen hairs still hanging on for dear life… they are both examples of guys who thought they needed gender-affirming surgery int he form of hair transplants etc.

*Full body cringe*

“No musk you have to keep your arm at this angle. I know you got excited when we won but until I have total control we keep the hand below heil level.”

Everything is an illusion with this guy.

I don’t want to ever see anybody harmed, but it would be funny to see somebody to light a match near the back of Trump’s pumpkin.

Also musk looks insane under his glasses. It’s crazy people think these two are the definition of perfect.

We still haven’t heard a peep about his health care plan. Supposedly it will replace Obamacare with “something great”. He had concepts of a plan several months ago, so should be ready to talk about it any day now, right?

Or is it all bullshit and they never had any intention of doing anything ?

To be completely fair, he would look tougher without that floofy mess.

his hair looks like cotton candy, it might disappear entirely if it gets humid enough


In the 90s, Trump’s hair had already reached the “double thatch” stage of a combover, and this was after scalp reduction surgery. Now, according to Ivanka, he has a long mullet in the back which, through copious use of hairspray, he forces in the direction of the front. But he’s bald as a baby underneath.

A golden cloud permanently floating over the head

Cut that shit, fatman

Ugly men

Looking more and more like Giuliani lol

The top of his head looks nearly flat. Bizarre

I saw a fake/ai picture of someone spray tanning his disgusting body in his underwear and I think of it every time I see his shitty fake tan. There’s a good chance that really is someone’s job to do.

You know what they say “party in the back, new age fascism in the front” or something like that.

I think his cybertruck just recalled 🤣

“No Elon, no solutes in public”

Up next: Trump issues executive order deporting the sun.

He’s not exactly got a big forehead has he…

There’s not really much going on up top, and I’m not talking about the hair.

Elon should recommend his hair plugs guy to Donny.

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