The Pigeon keeps repairing it.

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The sound the old ac produces give me nostalgia

Also produces white noise, as long as your definition of white noise is a wall shaking rattle with occasional thumps strong enough to give your 200kg steel bed frame metal fatigue.

Eh. Mini splits are better any way you cut it other than upfront cost. The main problem is that, while anyone can easily install a window unit, you have to know what you’re doing with a mini split or you’ll either start an electrical fire or put a leak in it and eventually lose all your refrigerant. So people think they’re shit because they had a bad install.

Electric bill is 1/3

Those old AC units were insane energy hogs.

Pigeon living inside is so real

Maybe I’m the minority, but my mini split is *way* better than the old window unit. The compressor and heat sink being separate allows them to be way bigger than what has to fit in in a window. I assume that’s what makes them work a lot better. Gotta be insulate all the pipes though, not just what looks like the return from a whole house unit.

This is stupid. A mini split is a thousand times more efficient than a window unit. You will save roughly 50% off your electric bill if you go mini split. And you can monitor your room temperature using an app on your phone. And yes the mini split will alert you that the filter needs to be cleaned. So get up you lazy dirtbag and clean the filter.

Is it because the old units used more effective refrigerants that have since been banned?

400$ per month with gaz to have 14c in a room in winter 60$ with new ac to be able to get fully naked without feeling cold in January and above 23c in my room when it’s negative 5outside

Edit 19c inside when its 40c outside for 40$ in hot summer

It depends on the brand, but I heard mini splits are good.

I’m not sure this is true in the states as I haven’t lived there for a minute, but elsewhere the these AC units don’t only cool a room but also heat it, something my window mounted AC unit in the America never did.


Reminds me of the ac unit from the Little Toaster

We have mini splits and have had nothing but problems. Every single year that we turn them on, there is an issue. And usually half way through summer there is anything issue

Are all the comments ads? lol

I replaced two of those old units with a single split mini in my apartment. It’s way cooler and I’m paying a third of the electricity cost.

I once used my AC for a while and started feeling sick. Opened it up and found huge black mold, even though I cleaned it often. Be careful and check inside more regularly

We had wasps living in ours.

I live in a humid place, and it’s always a challenge with the mold in the AC. Constantly cleaning but it keeps coming back

This! In every NYC apt window. Completely indestructible.

Tell me you don’t pay energy bills without telling me you don’t pay energy bills

ITT: people who fucked up their DIY mini split install.

I actually have multiple bats living on my 20yr old window ac.

Those old AC units would be there with the cockroaches after the nuclear apocalypse

Isn’t that not an ac? Isn’t that like a heat exchanger or something?

Almost as if they are designed to fail

Seems like user error. Mini splits are far superior to a window shaker, in every possible way.

Ok I take that back, a window shaker is easier to install, that’s it’s only plus.

This is the same argument as old car / new car. Just nope.

In India in some towns coils of new AC would develop leaks within 1-2 years and you are stuck in cycle of repairing them every season.

Older ACs? Not 1 leak in 15 years.

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