The politics we have

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The hilarity is if the US actually went through with his plan, ended NATO, pushed all allies away and continued to shit on the developing world it would effectively be the death of US dominance on the global stage.

People are resentful of China’s rhetoric and interference in their own affairs, but Trump seems to be aiming to outdo Xi in that regard and he seems to think previous loyalties will keep people sticking with the US; he’s in for a shocker. People are not going to accept Elon Musk having more power than their elected leaders just because.

Yup, but….. It’s trump he literally said he could shoot someone on fifth avenue and get away with it. As well as wanting to f his daughter. He’s a disgusting human being for some reason people voted for him. It’s laughable

A lot of people commented that this was a joke based on what Trump said a few days ago about Canada or Mexico becoming a state.

But even so, it’s still not the type of behavior a President should be displaying. And if Biden had made that same exact joke, they’d demand his head on a silver platter.

To those it may concern, this “all for me none for thee” and “do as I say not as I do” way of doing things will have consequences.

Yeah, unless Trump literally starts throwing his own feces, they will continue to sanewash him. Even then, they would probably downplay it.

Okay but in this case it’s not senility, he’s just being a prick.

He’s going to F with Trudeau a lot because Queen Melania is hot for him.

Very deliberate choice of words. He previously threatened to annex Canada.

I’m not a Trump guy but this isn’t a gaff. He has been talking about how Canada and Mexico should become additional states of the US. He is openly mocking Trudeau.

The truth of the matter is, if Biden said this, i would wonder about dementia since he’s not a fucking asshole moron… like the guy who said this… and his supporters.

Sadly his supporters will see this as “big Alpha energy” rather than the absurdity that it is.

Yes, dummies, we get that it’s a joke. Most sane people just don’t appreciate their president being an embarrassing middle school prankster and insulting one of our closest allies.

Imagine if Trudeau said, “If Trump’s tariffs put the USA in financial ruin, you can always become a Province of Canada, and Trump can be the Governor of the United States of Canada.”

People would come un-fucking-glued.

Then, if he followed it with a tweet, repeating this nonsense and calling Trump “governor” twice… Again, the US would be flooded with MAGA tears of anger.

Yeah, but also for some reason Dem voters would be like “you’re absolutely right, Biden is a disgrace and he never should have been elected, I think I’ll protest vote for the worst candidate in the race just to stick it to the DNC.” The media writes those articles about Biden because Biden voters will click that article a hundred times and share it everywhere and give the author a goddamn Pulitzer prize for his bold honesty.

I am absolutely done with Dem voters on their soapboxes about how our political degradation is everyone else’s fault when we just had millions of voters stay home or support someone else in this past election cycle.

He’s just mad JT banged Melania

Or maybe—and just bear with me here—trump is a Kremlin asset

News is owned by rich people that support trump.

All we heard about is bidens age.. but trump is even older and in bad shape.

Not a peep.

As a non American watching this ay out its crazy to watch modern-day Rome crumble and fall

It’s crazy. Trump literally killed millions of Americans and not only is he not yet in jail, but dumb fucks voted for him again.

I think it’s time for a revolution. A famous line from the declaration of Independence.

“But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

If Biden said it might *be* a sign of impairment, when trump does it it’s just a sign of his absolute contempt for diplomacy, cooperation, economics and common courtesy. Oh, and his utter lack of fitness to be in any elected role.

“Canada’s not a State? They’re in America aren’t they?” – Trump supporters, probably. 

…get it? Because they wouldn’t knownthw difference between a Country and the Continent?

…Ill go now. 

Elect a clown you get a circus.

Way to talk shit and belittle our neighbor for no reason other than to get a cheap laugh at a dinner.

Trump has zero class

It seems like we are getting into the colonization game.

Does he even realize that Canada is technically under British crown?

The difference is that Trump did it on purpose to show how little respect he has for Canada.

The GOP has weaponized ignorance and standardized stupidity.

It should come as no surprise to anyone with a brain that Trump, the malignant narcissist he is, is going to enjoy burning it all down so no one else be happy when he’s dead and gone.

That’s true but here’s the difference. Trump didn’t call Trudeau the “Governor of Canada” due to mental decline. He called him that to be an asshole.

This is what America voted for. They can get used to it.

Wow! Is being a state bigly better than being a province?

Joe *should* say that.

Highlight the media hypocrisy.

He has nothing to lose, may as well show people who is trying to divide us all, and why.

It is going to be an excruciatingly long four years.

This is like saying it’s unfair that a toddler gets to throw a tantrum but the parent doesn’t. It’s unseemly to compare a normal adult to Trump, and this whining about fairness–instead of a looking at why the oldest political party in the country with a billion dollars to spend couldn’t convince Americans of their superior position–says a lot about why we’re in the state we’re in.

I’m willing to bet that Trudeau doesn’t find Trump’s “joke” as funny as Trump himself does. Trump is an ass… That’s all he knows.

I think Trump is being passive aggressive here but that doesn’t make it any better

I still say it would be hilarious if Canada wanted to become part of the US and filed the paperwork.

Based on size and population, Canada would actually become ten texas-sized states, with 20 Senators and a boatload of Congress-persons..

aaaand a majority of them might vigorously oppose the Magahat agenda.

When you hire a gameshow host to be CEO of America you have to expect him to have nothing of substance to say but clickbait social media posts to distract people from what his bosses are doing.

So, Donnie – which part of this is going to “make America great *again*”? And if you think tariffs are going to be punishment for drugs and criminals crossing the border, how can you spin it to be a positive thing for all?

The world: “What an ass”

1. Trump is probably just trying to troll and piss people off. He acts like he’s 5. He knows that trudeau isn’t a governor

2. We’ve had years of journalists and politicians trashing and criticizing trump

It doesn’t work. He doesn’t give a shit. His people don’t give a shit. Criticizing Biden to step down was valid, the left has standards, the right does not

Joe Biden isn’t an attention seeking asshole.

Drumpf may be having major cognitive decline, but this is not it. It is merely the actions of a bully.

Maybe trump wants to make it a state so that he can actually fly there again.

As a convicted felon, he is currently not allowed to travel there.

He could drop a deuce on the Resolute Desk and the MSM would just shrug and say he couldn’t make it to the bathroom in time. Get ready for 1984 levels of indifference after 1/20

Two tiered system. Democrats have to be perfect, Republicans can do whatever they want and never be called on it. It’s disgusting.

I mean, do you really want to antagonize a valued trade partner and NATO ally with this horseshit? It would be like Britain constantly referring to the US as the American Colonies and Trump as a subordinate to the King. Trump would blow his stack…

Can you imagine being the head of state and having to deal with Trump for 4 more years. It must be exhausting. He’s like the child in that episode of The Twilight Zone. He has the enormous power, but he’s a fucking child.

Yeah you’re misunderstanding the point and so does Skyler here. Trump knew what he was saying, he’s passive aggressively threatening canadas sovereignty. It’s going to be a dangerous time ahead

I’m just surprised we don’t have a thought piece about how this is bad for Obama.

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