The politics we have

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This is why the feeble little wimp hates Trudeau so much.
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Don’t get it twisted. This is a very cognisant, dangerous idea seed being planted out there. Framing it as signs of mental decline ignores the larger game being played and is irresponsible framing.

It’s him making an insult to Canada. They’re just our 51st state, is what he’s saying.

He’s insulting Trudeau. He told him Canada should become a US state when they met.

Donald is just kidding!! What a jokester. Stop being such an offended snowflake- Fox News

This is typical conservative “humor” – weird, unfunny, and based in hierarchical thinking.

Yeah but unfortunately it helps the media because they get clicks whenever Trump says something ridiculously stupid. “Boring” doesn’t. 

What the actual fuck.

Conservatives. What the fuck? Why did you vote for this insane person? Why do you hate us and yourselves this much?

We already know diapers mctrump is dumb as fuck. That’s not the issue. The issue is all the stupid fucking people who voted for him.

Oh no it’s not wrong he’s planning to invade


Another poster on her said it: he is definitely planning to invade.

Can Minnesota please become a province and we go to 49 states? We like hockey, pay for all our own stuff without Federal help and don’t need to keep sending our tax dollars to the Bible Belt

“Thank you, Assistant President-elect, Mr Donald Trump, for your kind words. May the Musk/Trump Administration be as successful and prosperous as you foresee.”

J. Trudeau

The standards for being a republican vs being a democrat are hypocritical at best. Democrats need to be perfect and held to that standard. Republicians only need to be assholes and the more they clown it up, the more support they get. We are in the World Wide Wrestling of politics where the more outrageous you are, the more the crowd cheers you on. Sad times to be an American.

why is there still an expectation that the american media is not corrupt af? the reporters may still hold integrity but the big wigs have repeatedly shown their colours. maya angelou “When people show you who they are, BELIEVE THEM”…..

*Why* is the double standard so prevalent? Why can Trump get away with literally anything?

Here’s a possible explanation…

>But critics of recent media coverage of Biden are dead right about one thing: Many outlets have for years been employing a significant double standard in covering Biden and his opponent, Donald Trump. When Biden stumbles over words, we question his state of mind; when Trump acts like a deranged street preacher, it’s … well, Tuesday. If Biden had suggested setting up migrants in a fight club, he’d be out of the race already; Trump does it, and the country (as well as many in the media) shrugs. Recognizing this inequity is the easy part, but here’s the harder realization: The double standard is a structural problem, it won’t change, and everyone in the prodemocracy coalition needs to grit their teeth and accept that reality.

>The structural issue is that in an open society, almost all views may be expressed in the public square—even outright falsehoods. This principle of liberal democracy leaves Trump free to lie and propagandize, which he and his footmen do confidently and effortlessly. These tactics have been highly effective among a GOP base whose senses have been pounded into numbness by relentless propaganda, a daily barrage of Bullshit Artillery that leaves a smoking, pockmarked no-man’s-land in the mind of almost anyone subjected to it for long enough.

I dunno, maybe that’s it. If you’re totally nuts and full of shit, you’re free to be nuts and full of shit.

At least, if you’re rich and powerful.

I dunno, that answer seems unsatisfying.

So I see he has already internalized his, “if my tariffs hurt Canada they should just become a state” attack line from last week as his running reality. Lovely.

Trudeau got to have dinner with a convicted felon who legally isn’t allowed in Canada.

I don’t think that’s a slip up I think it’s and intentional dig.

D.dump is mad that the Canadian dude is slicker than him when it comes to Melania.

He’s not senile, this is deliberate.

The country is going to find out the hard way why putting unserious people in serious positions of power is a very bad idea.

Oh but he means it

He’s laying the path for a land invasion……

I can’t even begin to deconstruct the idiocy in the above tweet. Truth be told, I don’t know why I’m even attempting to.

1. Many have stated that this is a thinly veiled threat. This man is a public figure the next president of the US. How he’s not come under scrutiny for this I simply cannot comprehend.

2. Both Canada and she USA are members of NATO. I don’t know the laws concerning this, but I suppose a member attacking another member with the intention to annex them would result in their expulsion.

I hope that he is simply being an idiot here.

I wish Trudeau would grow a spine and stop trying to placate the man. Easier said than done I guess since our economy relies too heavily on the states.

Alaskans and Texans would be so mad at Trump for creating a state larger than them.

This isn’t a murdered by words. Like at all.

Okay I am a lib and this is annoying. He is obviously doing it as a taunt not because he is senile. Trump is an asshole…..we have known this.

Trump is a combative criminal with the mental capacity of a nine year old.

Anyone who voted for him is an idiot. There are reasons for their idiocy but they are idiots nonetheless.

Hes trolling and yal whooshed hard… tellin me you havent seen the memes about the US buying canada?

I don’t like Trump so let me say that first. He is literally trolling here. He made remarks about a week ago that if Canada can’t afford the tariffs then they can become a state and Trudeau can become governor. It’s actually kind of funny.

My, are we so stupid? In a previous comment trump said Canada could become a state with Trudeau as the governor.
He’s obviously referring back to that.
He’S sEniLe
That’s how they beat dems in the first place smh

Yeah, but that’s only because Biden isn’t a constant raging asshole.

Who is getting murdered by words exactly? The media? The orange man? The country?

A few years ago, this sub was about clever personal comebacks and verbal destruction. These days it’s just people on twitter disagreeing with republicans.

You telling me we getting usa expansion dlc before GTA 6?😂

If you’re expecting Trump or any of the Republicans to play by any sort of rules or norms, you’re gonna have a bad time.

Except we all know Trump is being a jackass. That doesn’t make it better, of course.

It was his attempt at a joke, he made a comment prior about Canada becoming the 51st State.

Except this was intentional based on previous reports and funny as hell

Why can’t idiots on Reddit understand what a joke is

His tweet is a reference to a statement he made to Trudeau a couple weeks back. He told Trudeau they should become the 51st state and he could be Governor.

It was an obvious joke.

He called Canada the 51st state and Trudeau, the governor of it.

Trudeau was bitching about possible tariffs. It is actually hilarious.

Are people in this sub seriously pretending that Trump was somehow confused and this was not a joke?

OP obviously missed the reference to the joke trumps referring to

It was a joke at a dinner you clowns

Yet another example of the left looking for something to be mad at

I mean probably? But Biden also didn’t say something like if we are sending aid to canada and mexico they should be a state. So this specifically is like comparing apples and oranges, and as i typed it i got the joke in the comparison.

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