The president of selfishness pays his respects to the president of selflessness.

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Melania looking more like Gary from Team America by the day

I wasn’t alive during Jimmy Carters term but I listened to one of his speeches the other day and it reminded me that we are fucked. He just seemed like a genuine guy that was doing his best for the people. That is wayyy too much to ask for now.

You should be happy he isn’t smiling and giving a thumbs up in some selfie shot

You know he’s just thinking of his funeral and the ‘massive turnout’

‘Nobody went to funerals before I died. I started using the word…funeral…it’s a new word, nobody used it before me’

He’s thinking “I’m gonna be in one of those soon”

And Melania’s thinking “not soon enough”

‘How do I get a couple winks of sleep here’ or ‘How do I make this about me’ kinda look

Is he asleep? Because if Biden had his eyes closed like this, that’s exactly what the GOP would say.

I can’t tell if he’s falling asleep or praying for a McDonald’s happy meal.

RIP Jimmy Carter. Top notch human being.

These next four years are going to suck.

That idiot was there for publicity only.

Looks like he saved a dump to take one in this moment. Face says it all.

I see Trophy Wife #3 came along. I wonder what she charges by the hour to be seen with him.

Too bad he still won’t learn what it means to be humble and graceful.


He’s poopin’

Not that it’s possible because of what he is, but I wonder if for a brief moment his lizard brain made him aware of his own mortality and how many people will be celebrating when he’s no longer here. His own wife can’t wait to look at his coffin.

I’m sure he’s thinking, “Shit, I could be home texting and snorting Adderall with my kid.”

Meliania is thinking, one day soon I’ll be looking down on you just like this.

He’s not paying his respects he’s sitting there like a kid whose parents made him go to church.

What is wrong with his face. Did he have another stroke? Melania has that Botox face so that is understandable

His escort/ handler made $40 million from Bezos for a ‘documentary’ – she’s thinking about that money and how happy she’d be as a widow.

Hopefully this means he won’t show up for the service tomorrow and filthy up the ceremony.

I’m surprised that the Carter family didn’t tell him to stay away from

I bet he 100% did not want to be there lol.

Donald: when I die the entire world will mourn me and all of my billions of achievements.

The woman next to him: I wish it were him in this casket.

Such a crazy juxtaposition

I’m surprised he even showed up.

Good ol Jimmy, he’s from my home state and I’m proud for it

Honestly, this is so wrong. Jimmy Carter doesn’t want this, no one wants this. I hate this person, my god.

I wrote my thesis on Carter in college, and he’s just a legitimately good person.


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