The real “Problem” the billionaires want AI to solve.

By zzill6
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Which is sort of ironic. They’d rather invent a new industry than pay people. It’s like paying tens of millions to lawyers and lobbies to avoid paying tens of millions investing directly in your workers. If they spent that same cash supporting their workforce instead of impeding it they’d likely see a higher return. It’d cost them nothing more and it’d keep people from discussing whether wealthy owners taste best cooked well or medium rare.

Fortunately, it turns out to be much better at replacing overpaid executive teams.

Such a weird economic system where we oppose getting rid of jobs that could be automated.

I absolutely get it–all most of us have to survive is the ability to sell our labor. Take that away and we surely starve. But the problem isn’t the automation *per se*, but the fact that the benefits of automation are captured by an extremely small segment of society.

Tax wealth, use the proceeds to provide all essentials of survival and a universal basic income.

AI has some exciting uses for the medical field. But I do agree with the sentiment, it is mostly used by companies to rid itself of human workers.

I had a thought today. They’re deporting a large part of our workforce we need for growing/harvesting/preparing/packaging food. They’re make such drastic and insane changes and will continue to do so to harm the public, to inflict maximum pain on as many of us as possible.

Then the food shortages will come, healthcare will be unsustainable and unaffordable for many. Many systems will further decline and we will complete our transition into a third world nation. Then these technobros all behind Trump will try to look like the heroes with AI to solve all of our new problems created by Trump and his administration.

We are watching the ultra rich slowly take control of every aspect of our lives as well as the workforce. Healthcare, military, food, finance, education.

They will be churning out serfs for centuries to come, with full control over every aspect of our lives. 1984 in the most horrifying way imaginable.

No one is advocating for the labor class

It’s very common in tech for revenue to exceed $1m per employee, and apparently that’s not enough.

My dad worked at a well paying Fortune 500 medical device company forever and they only do about $350k per employee, for reference.

I have a trillion dollar problem we can solve, billionaires

The people that think that the billionaires will allow UBI after AI takes over all jobs and we all get to live happy ever after having been paying attention to capitalism. No workers means they don’t need us anymore

If AI is willing to work for us then we should gratefully accept the help. The issue is, are we going to let a select few benefit from the value add or are we going to demand that everyone benefit from the value generated in an equitable way?

We are long past overdue for UBI, we are long past overdue for Medicare for all, we are long past overdue reliance on vampiric insurance companies.

Yes. This!

My pessimistic side sees a convergence of AI and servant bots, builder bots, and death machines. So, when the boot us out of the workforce and things get ugly they can still get service and production from synths. And, when we get pissed, it’ll be like Clone Wars up in here.

Cancer, immortality, climate change, how to create an ideal society.

These are just a small sampling of the problems that AI is trying to solve.

A key example of this is AlphaFold, which has been given out for free to the world, and has spread up the ability to do medical and drug research by hundreds of times, getting answers in days that used to take years. They also have a tool like this they have made for material science.

It would be interesting to see how an economy would look like if all jobs were automated. Who would even be buying stuff?

I’m totally fine with it if they throw in an automation funded universal basic income

Fucking annoying, because the actual fucking useful use-case for LLM AI that seems to be emerging is “allowing people to engage with complex software systems via natural language as a machine interface”, which is WAY more interesting.

I recently saw a video of someone using LLM AI to operate Unreal engine without them ever engaging with the engine directly. THAT’S a genuine game-changing generational technical miracle. That’s what Siri etc were supposed to be. Meanwhile the tech industry is like “can it do jpegs so I don’t have to pay an artist $200 :0”

As always, Silicon Valley is so busy chasing phat 10x phantom profits they can’t see the boring brass-tacks real-world use sitting right in front of their face.

Eventually there won’t be anyone with enough money to supply the money collectors. Thats gonna be awkward.

The funny thing is if we are mostly replaced with AI and the jobs left aren’t worth doing then that just gives us time to plan and act.

It’s not going too. It can easily replace the CEO, executive but where ever true work (muscle etc whatever your term), it’s not super great. 

Now if they get a robot whatever then maybe but I just thing that’s too big of a headache on a large scale. Laws and public pressure will be there too. 

Executive and CEO should be worried lol since most of there decisions can be easily be made by AI. Bonus they can fire the AI and no golden parachute

It’s been literally the same thing since industrialization started. It’ll continue until capital can do everything.

I asked ChatGPT the same question:

AI is tackling multiple trillion-dollar problems across a variety of sectors. Some of the most prominent ones include:

1. Healthcare Costs

AI is revolutionizing healthcare by improving diagnostics, optimizing treatment plans, and automating administrative tasks. With global healthcare spending exceeding $10 trillion annually, AI-driven solutions aim to:
• Reduce costs through early disease detection and preventive care.
• Improve efficiency in drug discovery, which currently costs billions per drug.
• Automate repetitive tasks like medical record-keeping and billing.

2. Climate Change and Sustainability

The economic impact of climate change is projected to reach trillions of dollars. AI is being used to:
• Optimize renewable energy sources and energy storage.
• Enhance climate modeling and disaster response planning.
• Reduce waste in manufacturing and supply chains through predictive analytics.

3. Workplace Productivity

Global productivity losses amount to trillions each year. AI is helping to address inefficiencies by:
• Automating mundane tasks, allowing workers to focus on higher-value activities.
• Streamlining workflows in industries like logistics, customer service, and manufacturing.
• Enhancing decision-making through real-time data analysis and forecasting.

4. Financial Fraud and Market Efficiency

AI is addressing the $5 trillion annual cost of fraud and inefficiencies in financial markets by:
• Detecting and preventing fraud using machine learning models.
• Automating financial services such as credit risk assessments and investment strategies.
• Enabling more accurate forecasting and risk management for businesses.

5. Supply Chain Optimization

Global supply chains are valued in the trillions, and disruptions (e.g., COVID-19) have revealed inefficiencies. AI is improving:
• Demand forecasting to reduce overproduction and shortages.
• Logistics and transportation planning to lower costs and emissions.
• Real-time inventory management.

6. Global Education Access

With over 250 million children lacking access to quality education, AI can create personalized learning tools and scalable education platforms. The potential impact on global productivity is measured in trillions of dollars.

7. Food Security and Agriculture

AI is addressing inefficiencies in the $10 trillion global food and agriculture industry by:
• Optimizing crop yields with precision farming.
• Reducing food waste through better supply chain coordination.
• Monitoring environmental factors and pests in real-time.

8. Healthcare Inequality and Aging Populations

AI-powered solutions are helping manage the growing demands of aging populations, potentially saving trillions in elder care and associated healthcare costs.

By tackling these challenges, AI is unlocking massive economic opportunities and addressing some of humanity’s most pressing issues. Which area interests you the most?


Well, I on the other hand would really like to solve the problem of “working”.

At this point, I truly think they are going to use it to massively reduce the population and build some kind of utopia for themselves. Everyone will be so distracted by their AI holodeck girlfriends and boyfriends that they will just no longer reproduce. The elites will have the world to themselves with their AI slaves, while the leftover humans slowly go the way of the horse.

What’s the end game? Who is going to buy their products if nobody in the economy has a job?

How will the consumer-based economy continue to function if people aren’t earning money? Don’t the wealthy want it to keep functioning?

Hey now.

It’s the elimination of paying people for their work AND creating endless random generation content for their broke and unemployed consumers to pay for!

For $500 billion they are going to solve it.

We are fucked people. 

Calling this hyper capitalism

Once AI is fully integrated into every facet of life. Get ready for nothing to work as intended. And get ready for zero accountability because they can just blame the AI. It’s a massive shield for corporate corruption.

They could use AI to vastly improve on science but instead it’s going to be replacing programmers and data entry. There will be little to no oversight. So when a product starts causing deaths due to bad data, they will just pass off blame and the “justice” system will abide.

What I don’t understand is how these supposed titans of industry can’t work the math out that:

Wages = Customers

The last jobs that will be available are the baristas and “burger flippers”. Maybe then you fucks will want those jobs to make a livable wage.

So who’s gonna buy their products and services when we’re all broke?? It’s unsustainable, but they don’t care because they’re only focused on tomorrow.

I don’t think this is accurate. No wages, means no purchasing products and services. No purchasing, and the rich people don’t have any income. It would be self defeating to break the system that made them rich.

Without wages, who will Amazon sell to?

I can practically hear the erection in my CEOs voice when he talks to the leadership team about AI.

The second it economically makes sense, the bloodshed begins.

If you aren’t knee deep in generative ai as a white collar professional office worker and you aren’t in the closed door meetings your likely cooked in a few years.

There’s obvious exceptions to some roles (maybe) but if your work is what’s more akin to repetitive procedures without any critical thought you’re going to be replaced by an “agent”, or maybe just power automated flows.

And no, no you won’t be given a “better job” enhanced by AI. You’ll be replaced if you can be, and a more competent person in your company, or better liar, will have 5 shells of past jobs.

Not wages so much as removing humans from making decisions like raising prices and denying claims, so they can be even more ruthless and hide behind the all knowing algorithm. Don’t think it’ll eliminate jobs so much as it will intensify the exploitation of both labor and customers.

We either stop this now or we lose all resources to ever even attempt to stop it in the future. Get off your asses, NOW. I’ve been out on the corner holding signs, I’ve been placing them around town, having conversations with both like minded and not like minded people, and a couple other things I shouldn’t put down in writing. You all need to get the fuck off your asses NOW. Get stickers that say “youre a nazi” and slap them on teslas. Get stickers that say “i did that” with Trump pointing and put them in the grocery stores pointing at prices. Interfere with ICE and other agents, what are they going to do? Arrest you on a charge youre almost guaranteed to beat and put some money in your pocket at the same time? The consequences of the future outweigh any consequences now. Get the fuck out there NOW.

This is literally the only correct answer

The further humanity gets from labor creating product, the more that socialism is necessary.

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