The real size of Africa

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You should see how many African countries can fit in Africa

What is china part 2?

Why, I’ll bet you could fit a whole continent in there.

[The real size of Texas.]comment image%3Fwidth%3D1080%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3De84ce243ca39d4eee599cecf1cde159004a4f9b0)

Someone is learning right now that Africa is a continent and not a country I can feel it

Soooooo…it’s about the size of Africa.

Yeah, i would expect many countries to fit in an entire continent such as Africa.

I know this gets posted a lot, but a typical world map doesn’t really understate the size of Africa by that much in relation to the countries in the illustration above.

Only Russia, Greenland, Canada and scandinavia are skewed significantly.


You should do the real size of yo momma next. Or Uranus.

But how many American Football Fields can fit inside Africa?

That’s a shitload of rain to bless

Where Texas?

The Mercator Misconceptions have people confused about country sizes. I’m convinced that a decent amount of the hubris many Americans seem to display is based on how large the country looks on a distorted map.

Just put South America over it

ireland is not part of the UK


Big big continent

Continent bigger than countries, more news at 11

Continent sized land masses are usually able to fit country sized land masses within their borders yes.

“China Part 2”
Oh hell nah.

Missing the biggest US state but still cool

An ancient african proverb once stated “ngl we are big as fuck”

Why is every one in these comments so lame it’s just an interesting graphic

I’m pretty sure the comparison of Madagascar and the UK is wrong. Madagascar is much bigger than the UK

Africa is a continent…

You forgot to put Africa in there

Ok this is cool but I need a football field to scale

wow that is amazing! I knew Africa was big but this really illuminates it better

I knew US is a desert

Wait, you’re trying to tell us MULTIPLE COUNTRIES can fit into ONE CONTINENT 😱

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