The reason why fast food Is better

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Fast food isn’t even cheaper than cooking a healthy meal anymore

No fast food is cheap any more. To me its effort…sometimes i dont wanna cook.

Healthier eating is actually cheaper than fast food and always has been?? No way

Vegetables are cheaper than take out. It’s just laziness and gluttony

Only in ‘murica.

In what world is fast food cheaper than healthy food?

Healthy food is way cheaper than fast food. It just takes longer that’s why people don’t eat it

Bro McDonalds is 20 bucks and Cream Soup for 3 days with salad is maybe 10 at worst…


Fast food isn’t cheap lol. I avoid it and get real food from restaurants for similar price.

Cheaper? A menu costs as much as normal restaurant food

Where i live, fast food has became quite expensive. Much more than making a large homemade meal from scratch.
And less tasty.
It can happen, from time to time, that i buy fast food, but only when i’m realy lazy. About 3 to 4 times a year.

maybe 10 years ago

fast food prices skyrocketed beyond reason

The real issue noone mentions is the time and effort but it will all be reflected when you get to 60. If you don’t take care of yourself, you’ll pay the price

Fast food can be cheaper, but it depends

Used to be, now not so sure. Probably costs about the same to prepare a meal or order fast food.

It is absolutely evil that some places unhealthy food cost more then healty ones in ireland it cost more to eat fast food then fruit and veg america is backwards so I’m told where poor family’s can’t afford to eat healthy while here fast foods are expensive and treats

And before we even talk about ‘healthy’ food, remember that the lower the cost at the grocery store, the more processed that food item is. So unless you’re getting organic everything, you’re still buying unhealthy food.

Literally it’s the same price for me to get a slice of pizza and mozzarella sticks as it is to get a ceaser salad with chicken. Make it make sense

then they complain fast food is expensive

Since when is fast food cheaper than healthy eating and cooking?

Fats food is not better.

fast food is tastyyyyyy.

Unfortunately real

Sardines are pretty good and cheap

Nothing more profitable than a sick child. Give them a non-lethal, but chronic condition with bad yet delicious food.

Then sell them medicine for a lifetime

I mean food is food

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