The religious ones again

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Because he would have burned and hissed and fizzled away like a vampire in daylight

Imagine if it had been a democrat president not doing that.

I wouldn’t normally care but this guy pretty much used Christianity as a cornerstone to his campaign. He also grifted the trump bible.. so yeah, maga will refuse to look at the obvious signs and instead will justify everything he does.

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Sure seems Christian to me. Fuck Trump

It’s Called „hypocritical“

Oh, I thought he’d swear in on the Limited Edition Bible that Lee Greenwood was advertising. Guess it was just another grift.

‘Eric’ would have been one of the first in line slamming Harris for not putting her hand on a bible had she won.

They still believe he is a Christian when he can’t recite one verse from the Bible. If Jesus were real and came back down, he would be disgusted by the MAGA “Christian’s”. They are the furthest from the teachings of Christ. They just use him as a scapegoat for their racism and hatred. A tale as old as time.

The antichrist cannot touch a real Bible. That’s why he has his own, produced in China.

Credits god for saving his life so he can ‘save the country’, doesn’t put hand on bible.

Frankly I hope he’s just used the religious guff to get elected and now dumps it, but I’m not overly hopeful.

The orange fucker would probably burst into flames

Trump fits description of the antichrist better than almost anyone in history. And with his yesterday ramblings about being saved from the deathly wound, it is even more so.

He would burst into flames! 🤣

One of the very, **very** few times I wish I still used X just to gawk at the responses to her post.

Are these fuckers seriously asking ‘why does it matter?’ While scapegoating the most marginalised communities in their state? Fuck you, cunts.

*adulterous rapist felon who brags about barging in on underage teenage beauty pageant contestants to ogle their boobies and fantasizes about dating a ten year old in ten years because he already finds her attractive

“Because if it was Biden or Obama not putting their hand on a Bible, you would Bengazi the ever living snot out of it for the next 8 years”

It matters because the MAGAt crowd went nucking futs sating that Kamala did ‘not swear in on a bible’ even though she did (and you do not need to swear in on a bible specifically). She swore in on a personal one in a leather case that was on top of a second one. Her hand was on the Bible while the Cheeto Traitor-in-Chief did not touch a damn thing. He swore in on nothing.

I’m certain this isn’t why he neglected to put his hand on the Bible as I’m sure he’s never opened one, but in reality Christianity explicitly forbids it.

Matthew 5:34-37 But I tell you, do not swear an oath at all: either by heaven, for it is God’s throne; 35 or by the earth, for it is his footstool; or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the Great King. 36 And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make even one hair white or black. 37 All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.

Franklin Pierce I think is the only one so far who has actually acted upon it, stating he ‘affirmed’ rather than swore.

Plus if it were Kamala who didn’t put her hand on it, Fox wouldn’t shut up about it for months.

“Why does it matter?” The hypocrisy is amazing

That and he probably would have burst into flames as he was lying about upholding the laws of the country he was (somehow) elected to serve

MAGAs wanting this to be a white, Christian nation have no issues with their President not using a bible and not attending church every Sunday.

Because he is a con, and it pains him to consider that there is a force in the universe who has seen everything he has done and will judge and punish him.

There is literally nothing they won’t excuse.

Good to hear they also think the bible doesn’t matter.

Ilhan Omar, Rashida Talib, and Keith Ellison were sworn in with a Quran, were they not?

That should have been the obvious reply to “why does it matter?” I don’t even need to search to remind myself if there was Republican handwringing over it, because of course there was; Republicans are nothing if not incredibly predictable.

That’s why it matters.

Ok so it doesn’t matter. Ask him if he would be ok with the Qur’an since it doesn’t matter anyway

Yeah, but was it the Lee Greenwood $60 mango unchained bible?

I was fully sure you had to put your hand on some sort of text…

[I want to know this guy’s thoughts on the situation.](

So we don’t need 10 commandments in classrooms and government buildings then, right?

only thing she murdered was the baby in her womb

Because they don’t give a fuck if he’s religious. He’s just their vehicle for them to get someone to “say it like it is” and trigger the libs.

It’s obvious that he doesn’t want to burn his hand.

Also, this way he can continue to claim that he never swore to support the Constitution.

I mean if we want to get into it, Matthew 5:34-37 and James 5:12 both advise against swearing oaths.

So technically, if he was a Christian, he shouldn’t even be taking an oath of office, nor doing it with his hand on the Bible.

But he thanked God for surviving the assassination attempt so he could be ‘here today’.

I am a christian and I have an answer: Trump isn’t one, he’s a rapist lunatic and also an idiot who probably didn’t even realize he should have to maintain appearances

He couldn’t lift his hand that high.

bc he believes himself better than ‘God’ so he would not bow his knee to it. He would have ‘God’ bow the knee to him before he would

He can’t raise hand

They thought they had the Reverse Uno card. They, in fact, did not.

All because a line of Christians does something doesn’t make it biblical. Swearing on the Bible doesn’t have any meaning biblically. No where in the Bible is it like “yeah you gotta put your hand on this collection of books if you really really mean your promise”.

So to say a Christian must do this to be Christian is the equivalent of saying a Muslim must blow themself up to be Muslim (you’re ignorant if you say either)

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