The revolution will not be televised.

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I’m old enough to remember when conservatives would key tesla’s without knowing they had external cameras on them and reddit would point and laugh at people for vandalizing them.

Is that a Bansky?

I know someone who bought a Tesla six months ago and is now horrified and embarrassed in equal parts. I find it hilarious that Tesla sales are tanking rapidly – will be fun watching him lose his shit and his money.

Spray painting fuck musk on a cybertruck is revolution? Bruh

The revolution will not be televised, it will be posted on Reddit for updoots

Reddit moment

A lot of Tesla owners (not sure about Cybertruck owners) are probably decent people now having to deal with vandalized vehicles. Kinda sad, as much as I think Eion is a worthless human.

I understand people not liking musk but why vandalize a random person’s vehicle? It’s not like the owner can do anything about musk or doge.

I’m not a fan of trump or Elon but putting graffiti on a random dudes car an saying “the revolution is here!!” Or some shit is cringe and kind of a dick move

Anyone thinking this kind of action is a revolution is sooooo dumb.

this revolution is full of cowards

I hope there’s a time in history where people just assume these were people who hated certain scents and completely forget Elon existed.

Sh yes, vandalize random citizens private property, that’ll get people on your side

I don’t like Elon. But someone paid for that. A lot of people who worked on that are people who may not be fully aligned with Elon either – some of them might just work at what they thought was a cool, innovative company (which in many ways it is). Committing acts of violence to advance a political objective is the literal definition of terrorism. Protest Elon. Oppose Elon. Hate what he’s doing and encourage people to buy something other than a Tesla. Those are all effective and legitimate forms of protest. So do all of those things! But please don’t engage in terrorism or acts of destruction and violence. Elon will not pay for those – ordinary people will.

Tesla owner here. Yes, if I can turn back time, I would buy a different brand. Due to financial reasons, I cannot trade it in due to my emotions. I understand that many hate my car because of Musk. The other side hates my car because it’s an EV. Can’t we all just get along? Life is hard for everyone as it is.

Yeah, I don’t like what Musk is becoming but let me just say…


What revolution is that, the descent into a trustless slum?

This is someone’s pride and joy, it’s not Elons and won’t affect him at all. Poor behaviour 😔

So the moron vandal is destroying a person’s car because they don’t like Musk?

Are the ass clowns going to harass Tesla workers next?

It is the same logic.

I don’t think it’s cool to vandalize other people’s property?

I understand people don’t like musk but vandalizing someone’s property isn’t acceptable. The car doesn’t belong to musk. He is not going to be affected by it at all. The only person being hurt in this picture is a person who owns the vehicle. I understand protesting and freedom of speech, but this is hurtful and is not acceptable.

This sub is unhinged with the continuous political pics, give me some kittens or something ffs

As a Tesla driver… I have never once thought about the CEO of any car company. I just wanted the best electric car. Now I have to explain myself to people. It’s mental. I’m hard left… HARD left. I correct people when they call me liberal and let them know I’m a socialist… but I still find it odd that drivers of a car are being targeted because of the nazi CEO… like… anyone want to read what Henry Ford believed?

Strange times.

“Jarvis, I’m low on karma”

vandalism is fucking stupid no matter why you do it. shame on whoever did this.

Honestly, to do that to anyone’s vehicle is shitty and I hope they catch them and they have to pay to get it taken off

“revolution”. Won’t be televised. *Records vandalism and posts it on social media*
Plus if not your property, pretty fucking scummy to do.

Not sure why this is a thing. I get being angry at the CEO but why take it out on a consumer.

Vandalizing someone car is so pathetic

This changed the world. 🤯

Some poor guy who probably doesn’t want to be associated with Musk, couldn’t sell his car and now its been vandalized by an asshole.

Damn, really makes you want to be soft on crime.

Hope the owner did it to themselves! I would! If it was vandals well, here’s something to consider: Sister in law bought a model 3 about 7 years ago. Absolutely adores her car, is a wonderful person and not a fan boy. She likes the tech- full stop. I’d hate to see this happen to her.
Edit: autocorrect bs

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