The rich need to just shut up.

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It’s crazy how these twunts keep telling you not to indulge in such luxuries as coffee or avocado toast, but they never say “hey, do you really need a $74,000 electric car?”

Really weird how these people are constantly concerned if weโ€™re raw dodging it during sex.

She’s right. I don’t have to go to the movies. I don’t have to go out to dinner.ย  I do that because I want to.

I don’t want to have a kid.ย 

We’re literally just cattle to these people. They don’t care about our quality of life in the slightest aslong as we keep generating profit for them.

She look embalmed to any body else?

Tbc the mortician did an excellent job, almost lifelike, 9/10 corpse.

Iโ€™d be more concerned about all that money from Emerald mines to be honest. A family of shit sacks.

โ€œMy son will need mars slaves, so get to reproducing you peons!โ€

“I’M going to a nice dinner and a movie after this but YOU don’t need to do any of those things, as a peasant. You’re below me, duh!”

FOX must be hard up for dusty old windbag women who add nothing positive to the world. Was KellyAnne stuck in her crypt tonight? MTG couldnโ€™t get her broom started?

Luigi Mangione showed us a way

She looks like a robot.

In fairnessโ€ฆ 2nd worst person to ever live.

God she looks like the Evil CEO in some kids’ animated movie.

So Elon is a real son of a bitch, then?

Looks like she should be busy plotting to skin dalmation puppies.

We are called “human resources” for a reason. A sort of live “stock”.

idk why people say no offense lol. full fucking offense. they’re grifters. scammers. there’s nothing altruistic about these people, despite the things they’re trying to convey. they’re lying and cheating their way to scrape in a couple of extra % of profit. we need to educate the public about how profitable grifting has ended up being, and build legislation against it.

Do the letters F O mean anything to you Maye?

“I have more wealth than anyone could possibly ever need or spend or realistically want and I know what’s best for you… poors.” – Elon “Nazi Shithead” Musk’s Shithead Mother

Elon is a complete piece of shit

Why the fuck does this woman get any attention at all?

They donโ€™t need another billion dollars and yet here we are

Theyโ€™re just trying to see how little of Maslowโ€™s Hierarchy the American people can collectively have before we bust out the guillotines at this point.

She is like a poorly written bond villain. Why would anyone listen to her she seems like the kind of person that passed off her kids to the Nanny and see them once or twice a year.

Itโ€™s rare that I get to say a woman has a punchable faceโ€ฆ.and yet here we are

And I would like to add with high daddy issues

What value does Maye Musk provide? Sheโ€™s just a wealthy, out of touch woman who benefited from apartheid.

Sheโ€™s stepping into the fire voluntarily. No quarter should be given.

No offense? How about absolutely intending offense?

Us wanting to survive are the crazy ones, not this wretched lady with multiple hundred million dollar yachts to choose from

Correting: The rich need to just die. I’m fucking sick of working to the bones to make a rich more rich than he already is.

No wonder Elon is so fucked up. This woman looks like a Disney villain.

*No, offense.

This isn’t Amishstad, ma’am.

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