The. Same. 30. Songs. Everytime.

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You know how to play the music, you just don’t know how to shuffle it. And that’s the most important part of playing music, shuffling it.

Apparently the original shuffle was pure random but people said it was not random at all. So they made it pseudo random instead. Lol

the first time i encountered that theres smart shuffle and i didnt realize, i was so confused why there are random songs on the playlist i personally made

Same with youtube

then it’s suggested songs after 50 songs despite the fact i have 441 songs.

i don’t need more.

It used to be random but pepole complained about getting the same song twice or the same couple songs over and over again becuase that can happen with random chance so they replaced it with a algo

Clear your cache once a month. You’ll have to redownload your songs but it’ll get rid of the hidden “favorites” thing it does in the background where shuffle prioritizes songs you play frequently and plays those more often. Also shuffle doesn’t work properly and can only shuffle through about 100 subs before restarting so a playlist with over 100 songs won’t play every song regardless of time spent listening. You’d have to repress the shuffle button.

if you just hit play, it does it wrong… the trick is to scroll to a song you never listen to and play it, future songs will be truly random.

I’ve been doing this for years on my giant playlists and it works a treat.

thats why you download your songs and use foosbar to shuffle

Pandora with thumbprint radio can be jarring. I’m usually okay with it. Some people don’t like going from Clutch , to Hank Williams to Peter Tosh.

fr 😭



“oh but the more you listen the more it learns about you”

…and continues to give me the same 30 songs it gives everyone else. I can’t believe people believe this shit.

Laughs in Pandora

I think it should have add AI and ML so that it can predict our mind which song is to play next

Fr dude…I’m fed up with Spotify playing the same songs in a row😭🙏🏻

ive had no issues

It’s the algorithm saying “oh u listened to this song must mean you like it and only it”

more like i know how to shuffle your feelings 😣

Spotify shuffle be like: *’Here’s that one song you skipped three times already… AGAIN.*

Spotify is garbage.

Pro tip: If Spotify’s ‘shuffle’ feels broken, try creating smaller playlists or reorganizing your queue—it seems to prioritize your most-played tracks. Still annoying, though.

True dat.

Spotify shuffle be like: You like this song? Here’s it again.

When Spotify shuffle mode feels more like a chaotic DJ at a wedding

Shuffle really just means repeat the same 30 songs.

This is why i dont use spotify.

The same 30 songs


I thought it was a Bug that only i hat bruh

I think they’ve changed it drastically more than five times this year alone. It was bad, then they made it worse, then even worse, then different worse and then what we have now.

I personally like the current one as it seems to be pretty random.

I’m not sure if it’s purely random but if seems to jump pretty randomly through my liked songs…

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