The seal plush pillow I ordered vs the one that arrived

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10/10 prefer yours to the one in the picture. Very amusing.

Before and after the seal went clubbing

Better than expected?

mildly hilarious

I kinda love him/her so grump

It still gets the seal of approval.

I think the advertisement looks kinda AI-ish or at least photoshopped. If a product looks to good to be true and there arenโ€™t and pictures/ videos from other buyers from the product, I donโ€™t trust them anymore.

The one you received looks like it’s about to talk to us about Diabeetus.


Looks like me on a Monday ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿฅฒ

I had similar experience with manul plush I requested from Secret Santa. He also has his paws sawn wrong side up, it’s hilarious.
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I have the exact same one but I love him lol, heโ€™s so plush and soft!

You got lucky. I would cherish that little guy till the end of time ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

10/10 its mildly infuriated

This just had me laughing so hard at 3:30am.



ohhhh, you got the angry one

I love the second one, it’s basically adopting the pose of the cat “yes, you can snuggle me, yes, I will enjoy it, no, I will not look like I am enjoying it”.

Yooo I’ve got the same one!
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He a lil crooked but he got the spirit

I think he, like me, has a number of complaints

Wouldnโ€™t you rather have a plush that double functions as a meme as opposed to a boring regular plush though?

Love the grumpy chunky one

The one that arrived looks … mildly infuriated ๐Ÿ™ƒ

Stop buying things advertised on Instagram

Both of them look like my stomach in the mirror

seals aren’t identical.

Thatโ€™s the Lorax

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I dont get it. Looks fine

Locked in vs geeked

I believe, it will start quarreling with you, when you sit beside it.

Robotnik ass looking seal

That just made me think of Justin Long in Kevin Smith’s “TUSK”

I mean, in all honesty, I’d be happy with both.

Silently Judging Seal

Looks like the good ol China bait and switch lel

Looks more like a hippo

But it looks so cute ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ™

The one that’s arrived is asking “what’s your problem?” just with its expression.

He looks like a very good boy. He probably just needs some stuffed fish.

Grump and chomk. I like the one you got.

It needs a plush fish or crab

I literally have the good one in the picture ๐Ÿ˜‚

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