The sky resembles ocean waves

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Looking it at for minutes now ..still I’m thinking the waves are gonna crash on the road

[Here]comment image) is a much higher quality version of this image. [Credit]( to the photographer, Theresa Birgin Lucas, who took this on June 18, 2022 in Rochester, Minnesota.

> Lucas says she has named her photo Ocean in the Sky and has entered it in this year’s photo contest at the Minnesota State Fair.

> “This is a very rare photo,” says KVRR meteorologist Mariah Bush. “My initial thought was maybe some basic clouds, cumulus nimbus clouds, or even a shelf cloud, but then after further looking there are some clouds I have never even seen before myself. So, pretty unique, actually.”

> “I am happy so many people are enjoying it,” Lucas says. “It truly was just a quick picture taken off my iPhone 8, which cracks me up.”

Yeah my brain is rejecting this as ‘real’… it’s confusing as heck

Those aren’t mountains …

This is giving me 2012 childhood trauma. That movie where the world ends

It’s like the scene is from movie 2012

thalassophobia and megalophobia teaming up to give me a heart attack

I always thought the sky was just blue and boring, this is a whole new level of cool

Theresa Lucas was driving in north-central Minnesota toward Bemidji on June 18, 2022 and catpured this impressive cloud formation.


Inception 2 lecked screenshot

Real or edited, it looks amazing!

Wow I thought this was two images spliced together

So real and so fake looking at the same time!

Bags of Wow.. this is a stunning front!! Its beautifully frightening to look at.

it’s like the clouds are just practicing their surf moves

Ok, that just breaks my brain. Ngl wish i had been there to see it irl

I don’t think this is a real picture

Ngl if the ground had fog I’d make a complete U-turn seeing that on the horizon.

“Those aren’t clouds, those are waves.”

That could be an album cover



That’s one big ass wave

This doesn’t ad up in my head, what a mindONS

I try and I try and I can’t see it. I just see water.

That’s the sky? My mind is unable to accept that. It looks like a monstrous wave about to swallow everything.

I think that is a tsunami and that you are dead

Damn… nature is such a beautiful thing

That’s Trippy

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