“The Sprite is out of syrup again!!!”

By otadak
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Bro I can literally hear this image holy shit my first job was at a movie theater this is what is behind the soda machines

I am a CNA. I wipe asses, get spit on, yelled at, hit, and sometimes I even get held hostage by a family who thinks standing between me and the door is not a terrible legal decision while in our facility

I still look at the new CNAs who say they worked in food service or retail and say “that’s terrible and I promise your new career path will pay you much better to deal with far less”

And it’s fucking true, any service worker who stuck it out in one or multiple places for a few years has my seal of approval for work ethic immediately

brooo try having to swap a box out while on skates 😭

I do not miss working at Sonic

Fuck anybody who never worked min. wage and think it doesn’t need to be raised.

Sprite always be the first to go!

Ooof, yup, even those tiles and the drain on the ground bring back memories. Very annoying to clean. Will say though, nothin tastes better than a fountain soda with a freshly tapped syrup pouch.

Respect to anybody that had to change these in the middle of a lunch rush

God damn these things, such a pain in the ass to replace them

Oh god I can smell it. That sickly sweetness. And the SHHHHTHUNK THUNK THUNK

Can I get a fucking trigger warning!?

B.I.B’s are evil and heavy and **has the shoddiest cardboard in the industry***

I used to work at Circle K, and we didn’t even have shelving for those. They were just stacked vertically. The closer to the bottom the one you needed to change, the more you had to lift to get to it.

i worked at a busy taco bell and we were changing that baja blast like every two hours. fuck that freeze machine too.


Opening one of those boxes is a Mortal Kombat “test your might” mini game

Soda syrup I’m guessing because of the branding on them boxes?

I worked “back of the house” for about a decade. Good time, bad times, and some truly gross shit.

Nothing quite like a very “dead” early evening and all of a sudden a school bus or two full of student athletes pulls up. I just got myself into closing cleanup mode. Keep driving!

When they broke they were soooooooo sticky 😩😩

I can hear that sticky ass floor. Shoes sticking like crazy.

Everyone once in a while this gets posted in one of the “explain the joke” subs and I’m just like “oh honey…”

Damn. I remember when this shit came in heavy-ass steel/aluminum tanks.

I can still smell my time working at Arby’s almost 30 years ago.

Worked at Wendy’s for six years this photo is a trigger.

I got VERY good at changing these. I could swap an empty for a full in like 30 seconds during a big rush.

Trick was to punch open the little perforated part of the cardboard box

Not just know, but actually have to change them out…

It’s been years since I work in fast food but I can still fucking hear this lol. PSHHHHH POP POP PSHHHHHT

gatekeeping what kind of minimum wage jobs count is weird lol

I’ve worked 4 different retail jobs that were at or near minimum, none of them involved food

I used to hate having to change the syrup or CO2. Gotta vertical roll that damn canister into place. 😂

Worked at outback serving tables, had to swap these all the time, respect if you’ve done it!

Those things, especially the larger ones, are a pain in the ass to lift up, for sure.

I would low key swap favors just to piss customers off

Changing out that soda. Them hours was long

If you never had to clean this machine. Definitely don’t talk to me

Lolllll not only do I know this but the floor tiles were the same hahahaha

In the same week my executive Chef cut down labour to below bare minimum as he does every other month for weeks at a time. The owner throws a $25k plus managers staff party for 40 people. I mean open bar at a premium steak house with a 7 course meal including tomahawk steaks. With an after party at one of his clubs. It was just people getting coked out drinking and speeches that literally were just them kissing out bosses ass and telling him how amazing he is. It was a party to celebrate staff and it turned out to be a cult meeting.

A month later my Chef buys $10k plus in new dishes because FOH breaks them so much we don’t have enough for service. While also loving that labour is low because he’s getting a kick back. Our produce fridge is empty and we constantly run out of product.

But I’m told we are making record profits…. Yeah cool pay me more and hire people and stop spending employee bonus money on parties for yourself.

Dreaded doing this!!!!

I had to summon the strength of god to open some of these 😂😭

So sticky

That’s the diabetes feeding system.

Loved putting in the come on a four shelf…..

Looking at this picture makes me want to wash my hands twice. Hands Always so sticky after leaving that closet no matter how careful you are

I worked at Pizza Hut. $4.15 an hour.

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