The stories told by white elderly people in nursing homes are beyond repulsive.

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It’s crazy how people have Alzheimer’s but never forget their racism.

These stories are disconcerting.

My grandma recently turned 100 and has progressive dementia. She was born in rural Arkansas and her family moved to Chicago as part of the Great Migration. She would never really talk about life in the South with my mom or any other kids. Over the past year she’s began to randomly talk about anecdotes from her youth and it is…. disturbing and heartbreaking. She witnessed an uncle be lynched and his body burned. She also was raped by a white man as a young teenager.

When I was a kid in Germany (70’s) we lived next to an old folks home full of WW2 vets, many from the Eastern front. Not the same but similar stories. They were also assholes. Hope they’re roasting in hell now.

i- she woulda caught me outside cuz fymm 😭😭

I read a story about an old white women confessing on her death that she dropped a black baby in a well for fun as a child and was asking the nurse for forgiveness. Some of these old white people are vile.

My great great grandmother told me all about her “help” on the farm while she was in a nursing home (I’m biracial) and how they were “good to us and we were good to them.” Sure gram, that’s exactly how it went

Bro ain’t no fucking WAY, boi

This shit better be legally-mandated satire ong

You know, old people “fall down” all the time and “hurt themselves”

I’m just saying

I believe it. My old neighbor used to tell me stories before he died. How they called the Black man in town N****r Joe (that was his name to them). Good morning Ni**r Joe. And how he wasn’t allowed out after dark or there was a Tree with his name on it.

It’s good that these old white folks are dying. 😁

I don’t even have anything articulate to say…. just holy shit

My grandmother was a racist old swampbilly and she used to talk kinda like this. Every time I called her out on it, someone else in the family would say she’s just old school or she’s got dementia or whatever and to let her be.
Turned out she was pretending to have dementia and played the part of the frail old woman that was losing her mind so she could say whatever she wanted. Anyways she actually got dementia towards the end, so there’s that.

I worked in assisted living communities about 15 years ago (am white). There were residents who refused to have my black coworkers help them bathe, or take meds from said coworkers, or who even wouldn’t eat when they cooked. One lady notably wouldn’t even eat wheat bread because it was too dark and likened it to a coworker’s skin.

It was fucking disgusting and heartbreaking. 

Aw. Guess who’s getting diaper rash?

“it’s nice to see how things have changed”

dear lord

she said that purposefully to hurt and upset that poor volunteer

why would you go to someone and tell them “I used to kill people who have the same skin tone as you 🙂 Now that we know that y’all are humans and it’s wrong to kill you guys without reason, we don’t and everything is peachy keen nowadays, right? :D”?

piece of shit

This better be fake

I have an old drunk redneck neighbor and the first (and only) time I ever talked to him he told me about “nearly killing this black ass” guy who had poisoned his dog. Put the man in a coma and to this day doesn’t know if he lived or died. Turned out no one had poisoned the dog, the dog was just sick, he vomited a couple times. He claims the local cops (in the late 1970s) told him that if he just left town, no one would look for him. So he moved from New Jersey with his dog to North Carolina and has lived a quiet, drunken, pathetic, hateful, racist existence ever since.


I remember when I was a teenager I was part of a program locally to take cats as enrichment for the local dementia home, and the oldest man I’ve ever seen looked at a black cat, looked at me, and said “these are the ones we used to scare the N*****” and then looked at me like I was supposed to be impressed. I’m white so I assume he thought I was just cool with that. I was not, I promptly left that program because holy fuck I don’t want to hear something like that again.

The fact that these people are able to live freely and die peacefully aggravates the fuck outta my soul.

Now imagine what a lot of black women had to go through as maids/nannies in these people’s homes.

Yeah I’m a nurse and some people try and cover it up with “no, grampa lies, he has dementia” or “he’s not really racist!”, ummmm nah man he told me about raping his wife because his wife “wouldn’t give it up” and called my CNA the N-word.

I used to volunteer at a VA home to get my community service hours. One of the old men there told me that the driver is the one that shot JFK. It’s the reason why his wife was scrambling to get to the next car.

I used to help out with medical procedures that require twilight sedation. So basically the patient would be “awake” but not remember anything. These drugs are literally used as “truth serum,” for background.

Anyways this old lady had a meat cleaver charm on her necklace, so I asked her about it. “Oh I grew up in the back of a meat processing and sausage business in a Louisiana swamp. My parents would process deer or whatever the locals brought us. We also sold different kinds of smoked sausage that we made.”

“Oh that’s cool. I used to work in restaurants. Anyways, let’s get you ready (blah blah blah)” We drugged her and started the procedure.

During the procedure she started talking about how they had a “gator pit” in the back where they’d throw the deer etc. carcasses to get rid of them. Sometimes people carcasses, too, but that’s a secret. But she said she’d absolutely help us get rid of a body if we ever needed it. She explained that it was usually mafia related, but sometimes political.

We all decided that it was probably the drugs talking and didn’t call the cops. But I still think about that old white lady and what she said from time to time.

But those times were so long ago /s

I remember working in a old people home and I build a friendship with one of the residents who had dementia because we both enjoyed reading and rock music, he was nice at first and then one day when I was giving him dinner he started making gun signs at me, calling me a voodoo witch and threatening to kill me. I asked the staff what happened and they told me right after I developed a friendship with him that he was a neo-nazi / skin head that use to Commit hate crimes against poc and Jews 😐 they then showed me his little secret box fill with nazi memorabilia, swastika pins/signs and pictures of poc beaten up.

There was some horrific stories but damn mask off. These stories should be documented and studied to see where Unsolved cases may lie

Get more details then report her to the police so they can reopen the unsolved murder. May she rot in prison, Alzheimer’s or not

That was Karma tossing y’all a lob

Yo hope they go to hell

My grandpa would say “I hope that spook tiger woods loses”. When I got old enough I stopped going over there. Then I moved across country and cut off communication. Did not feel bad about missing his funeral.

What the actual fuck

What the fuck?!

My friend who has worked in hospice has heard many confessions to crimes; love affairs, children given up you name it.



Ngl going to have to unsubscribe from this sub, it’s making me very hateful lol

To the people doubting old white people with dementia or Alzheimer’s say shit like this. As someone who had TWO family members deep in the elderly care system, one of which I’m sure gave my grandma an overdose of pain medication on purpose, the stories they told me of things they’ve heard/witnessed would blow your fucking mind.

I’m a home health PT and the stuff these old bags feel comfortable saying is beyond abhorrent at times.

Not to mention the amount of SA the elderly men get away with because they are old.

Literally had one resident who would ring the bell so we would “catch” him masturbating. It didn’t matter that he did it on purpose, we still had to answer his bell.

One elderly man raped his wife often. It didn’t matter that she said no multiple times and every time. It never fazed him if she had been incontinent. It was his “right.”

It didn’t matter when an elderly man told me his junk was dusty and tried to grab my junk. Luckily he was slower in his old age.

One lady would scream about the lesbians and gay men if anyone nonconforming in their “looks” had to take care of her. (Like short hair on woman or long on men)

Had one old man so racist if any poc walked by he was ready to fight. He would even try to stand up and walk, which often resulted in him falling.

ain’t no limitations on murder report that crusty ass bitch

These hands are rated E for Everyone. Ion care if granny is 97, run the fade.

It really is nice to see how times have changed.

Nursing home patients also sometimes scream about the Dark angels coming to take them.

Catholic nursing homes at least.

The past that white people wish to be oblivious to

OMG! That made me jump reading it. How vile.

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