The System is Completely Rigged.

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I mean that does make sense too bad students dont donate as much to PACs

This is what I hate about write-offs. You can write-off a car you use for business, but you can’t write off a car that is required to get to your job. That is not fair.

Parasites run Society.

Or just make colleges free


Thats a good idea.

Don’t stop there, let us write off food and clothing and rent. I basically think that income tax is stupid and we should be taxing wealth instead. If you spend all your income, you pay no taxes. Only what you can retain do you get taxed on.

I mean we do get to deduct payments for them.

That’s basically “writing them off”. They aren’t an asset so you can’t really actually do that

I think education should be free, regardless.

Do you even know the tax code??

The amount of dumb people commenting in here not realizing college students DO get to write off their school. Y’all just too stupid to know how write offs work.


Can’t you register a company, earn money and buy your degree from that money as expenses?

Can’t you do this in America? Where I’m from you can write it off, but most people don’t bother to do it.

Isn’t the loan interest tax deductible?

not in this direct route way… but I’m fairly certain my student loans were tax free. it’s been a while since I’ve paid them off though…

Can’t you? In Canada we have this

That’s not how tax write-offs work at all. I don’t know why gets reposted all the time. Be smarter.

Private yachts and jets are not written off though.

This just sounds like free higher education with extra steps

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