The terrifying beauty of the Ocean.

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I want and don’t want to be in his place same time

Watch out for adult Ghost leviatรกn

I was scuba diving once in Malta..was really enjoying myself with my dive buddy ,, all of a sudden the water got ice cold and looked over at dive buddy. And he told me to look downโ€ฆI saw somethjng similar to the picture aboveโ€ฆ.nooooooope. I fookin turned and pumped my feet till my calves were burningโ€ฆ.glsd to have it on my camera thoughโ€ฆ.never againโ€ฆdonโ€™t mind it deep. But not bloody cliff walls in the abyss

Iโ€™m picturing a huge object with teeth coming up from below.

i cant imagine the feeling of being so small in the vastness of the ocean like that. mesmerizing and humbling

The worst nightmare for people with thalassophobia.

This is reason 45,652 that I don’t go in water other than a swimming pool and if it is deeper than 9 feet I stay away from that area. I wasn’t like this in my youth but one day the fear began and never subsided.

Well, I mean you could go see the Grand Canyon its really d of the same think only without the water. I guess you wouldn’t see any of the same animals and plants though.

Does it have a current that pulls/pushes you down at the edge?

Light goes that deep or this AI?

“The drop-off!”


Did Finding Nemo teach this man nothing?

Im glad Im not the only one here with an irrational fear

Thatโ€™s exactly Christmas Island above Australia. We dive and a shelf drop occurs for 2000 metres. Epic

I’ve SCUBA’d in locations such as that in Guam. It’s magical. I imagined I was in deep space. You’re weightless, staring down at an abyss.

Iโ€™ve only done a little diving and came close to an edge in Belize that was really dark, but oh my, that majestic beauty was overwhelming and I had to pedal my fins really hard to get back to 70-80 feet above the drop off because the current was so strong. Never forget that moment.

Ever play Subnautica???

More photos like this….. please!

Where is this ??

The start of a good sea monster movie.ย 

*Warning: Entering ecological dead zone. Adding report to databank.*

“Detecting multiple leviathan class lifeforms in the region. Are you certain whatever you’re doing is worth it?”

It’s just incredible. It took my breath away from that photo. There’s so much undiscovered for people underwater.

AI art is amazing

Very beautiful ๐Ÿ˜ป

People will be like: if I could choose a super power Iโ€™d like to fly. But hanging suspended over a cliff?? Hell nah.


I learned to dive in the Gulf of Aqaba, which is fairly shallow. The first time I dove in the open waters of the Indian Ocean, freaked the fuck out

OK, that would scare the SH*T out of me … I would think some monster would be coming up behind me

crazy beautiful

Dude, that’s amazing. I’m in awe and little unnerved by that.

We have only mapped about 10 %


And then something comes up from the dark rapidly. No thank you sir


Beautiful. New fear unlocked ๐Ÿ™‚

Awesome viz! Looks like 200+ feet.

In my mind… that’s amazing

When I was in the Bahamas I was on a beach like this.

I was maybe 12 years old, out in the water playing, the surf was crazy big, so I thought that to be weird as the beaches back home donโ€™t have such big waves that close to shore.

I put on some goggles and looked down, and to my terrifying surprise, we were on a drop off, as far as I could see it went from blue and beautiful to pitch black. I didnโ€™t stay in the water long after seeing that lol. Looked just like this.

Molokini crater has a crazy scary drop off like that!

No thanks. I’ll take dry land.

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