The textbook has questions that refer to the *exact* calculator 💀

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You need a PhD to operate that thing

I’m glad I never bought mine, I got my brother’s who stole it from his college.

Greatest piece of hand me down was my dad’s Ti-83. Worked as good as the new ones and I didn’t have to buy one myself

I see you and raise you the og TI-89

Never had one of those. I went through multivariable calculus and differential equations with I believe a TI-30 that I got for free all the way back in middle school.

Jokes on you, my teacher let me use a ti-84 plus and never asked for it back, which I find strange

You know, the cool thing about those is that the price hasn’t really changed in 20 years.

Wabbitemu delivers a simple way to run a TI graphing calculator on an android phone. I have very good luck finding these for my kids at thrift stores too. I rarely pay more than $10.

I use the good ‘ol ti-30X.

My university has a ton of these you can check out for 24 hours at a time. I check one out for exams.

They still using that one? That was the standard when I was in uni over a decade ago

Ti-83 slaps

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