The true size of Hawaii compared to the continental United States

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Wow I definitely did not appreciate this before, good image!

It puts things in perspective, thanks for that

In all fairness, how many people count the atolls?

That’s the Hawaiian archipelago not to be confused with the state of Hawaii. 

comment image?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45579cf6e5eb3dfab09b99a2772a3c19e1bd0da5

I’d like a similar map with the whole Pacific ocean overlaid on Afro-Eurasia.
But we wouldn’t see much, I’m afraid.
For anyone wondering about French Polynesia :
comment image?width=749&format=png&auto=webp&s=e38be49b9de6fac0dc19bf5d383d37c6af4d48da

Fun fact: Kure Atoll (the last island in the chain, in this map is pictured near San Francisco) is the northernmost atoll in the world!

Damn, the Big Island is basically the size of Houston

English is not my first language but isn’t extension a much more appropriate term? By size, my understanding would be that of actual land.

Is my assumption correct or can size actually be applied to this context?

There are a lot of simply uncorrect statements in this thread, All of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands are fully part of the state of Hawai’i, Midway Atoll is the only exception.

Whoever made this image is trying to make it look so big when the entire actual LAND area is something like just the size of the Dallas/Ft. Worth metropolitan area.

Just the bit that spans Texas is quite interesting.

TIL, I had no idea. Great post

Ok, but conversely, the 8 main Hawaiian islands would fit into Wyoming…

HOAX! Hawaii is [teeny-tiny.]( /s

Very helpful actually

What the actual fuck??? HAWAII IS THAT BIG?

Pacific Ocean doing a lot of the work here.

Now do Alaska compared to the Lesser 48

Interesting! Did you make this yourself, OP? If you did I’d love to hear what projections you used and your overall process


I had no idea. That’s a whole lot of archipelago!

Is this real? Had no idea


Cant help but think of the game Battlefield 1942 when we would strictly play Midway for hours!

da fuck do i know about the size of new mexico?

I think for this to be a fair comparison you also need to show the underwater portions of the 48 states that extends from the coasts.



well that’s news to me.

damn, the big island is barely bigger than the Bay Area

Could you compare it to just alaska

All those specs of land fit in San Diego county

Now show Alaska

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