Government has a spending problem, not the amount that it collects.
2 months ago
What a dumb take. The top 1% (earners of ~800k and up a year) pay 40% of all federal income taxes. You may think the rules are unfair but they still pay what they required too. Expand that to the top 10% of earners and that percentage increases to 75% of all income taxes. The tax tables are progressive for a reason and the tax laws are written as they are. Don’t get mad at the top earners for paying what they are required to, blame congress. Of course we could also look at the 50% who pay zero of get more back than paid in due to various credits. And this is not a sales taxes debate so please don’t mention that in any comments since everyone pays those and those are not federal but state and local.
The simple truth it’s that the federal govt brings in about 4.5T a year in taxes and sets a budget to spend 7T. You’d have to seize all the assets of all billions in the country to make up for the short fall for a single year.
2 months ago
Bottom 50% pays 3%, but they keep chirping they want others to pay their fair share
2 months ago
It’s both. Money in – money out = deficit. Politicians can’t afford a calculator it seems.
2 months ago
Why keep using the “fair share” expression instead of giving us your proposal for what the actual numbers should look like?
Let’s imagine a country called Distopia where Mr. X earns 100,000MU (monetary units) a year and pays 30,000 MU in taxes. How much would it be fair for someone who earns 200,000MU?
2 months ago
Even with a 100% tax on all billionaires it would barely be enough to balance the budget. “Fair” share my ass. More like loot and pillage to keep up with the jones for another decade. Then when there’s nothing but a barren landscape left you’ll still end up in debt but this time no one has any wealth at all to pillage.
2 months ago
Okay, let’s take all of the money held by the top 1% and up. Hell, let’s take from the top 3% and up. Give all of those people’s assets worth towards the national debt aaaand we still have trillions in national debt. Please stop letting the news and fearmongering idiots do your thinking for you.
2 months ago
Thanks for sharing the Democrat’s talking points.
2 months ago
Wrongo. It’s because we spend way more than we take in. It’s time we started worrying about the spending along with people (not just billionaires or millionaires) paying taxes to support our crazy-ass spending. And because the Fed has to pay their bills they continue to print money, furthering inflation. I call out millionaires because I imagine there are far more millionaires than billionaires including MANY POLITICIANS.
2 months ago
The wealthy pay their share based on tax law.
The fed is not a for profit entity, they are a charity subsidized by the citizens. Lazy, over spending persons who don’t worry about the bak account.
2 months ago
In today’s world, statements that conclude with, “Simple as that” are rarely correct. There are a lot of inputs and outputs that go into why the deficit is as high as it is, and accelerating (FY 2022 -$1.376T / FY 2023 $1.695 / FY 2024 $1.833)
2 months ago
Mom said it was my turn to make bad takes on government finances
We’re spending 40%+ more than we take in and are just now getting on the wrong end of interest on the sovereign debt. Let’s pretend we could pull $2 trillion more out of the economy without huge GDP headwinds and tax losses elsewhere… we’ll still be running a deficit.
We’re approaching full yield-curve control. The math tells us so.
2 months ago
Would be great if it was this simple. But it’s from years of mismanaging our budget.
2 months ago
This is completely false. We have BOTH a spending and income problem. The people that don’t care about our spending problem are just as bad as the people trying to avoid paying taxes.
2 months ago
It doesn’t matter how much or how fast you try to fill a bucket if it has a massive hole in the bottom. We could take ALL of the wealth from the rich and it MIGHT last for about a year or so
2 months ago
It’s a spending problem. You could take the entire fortunes of the top billionaires and you couldn’t even cover the deficit for 1 year, much less all the debt. The problem is the government spent all the money it was supposed to be saving for social security.
2 months ago
All of the wealth they have (if it could be converted to liquid capital without externalities) would fund the government for 8 months. It’s spending
Common sense would be to eliminate the cap on FICA – too bad it won’t happen anytime soon
2 months ago
Define fair share.
2 months ago
This is nowhere near accurate – you could liquidate all of the billionaires and millionaires and it wouldn’t close the gap. This is the kind of ‘simple’ analysis that leads to all sorts of erroneous beliefs about government and the economy.
Edit: Some context. There are about 816 billionaires who are US citizens. They are worth a combined 6.7 trillion dollars. A fuck load of money to be sure – if we were to liquidate them, we would in theory get 6.7 trillion, with which to pay debt. However, we can’t. And no – i’m not talking about it not being legal or ethical to seize a private individuals assets and sell them for the common ‘good’ though, that’s pretty horrifying if you think about it.
I’m talking about if you were to liquidate that kind of wealth its almost all in stock, and the act of selling something changes its value. Elon Musk isn’t worth 400 billion, his assets have a NOTIONAL VALUE of 400 billion dollars. You try selling everything he has? I’d be shocked if you got half of it. Why? Because of 2 reasons. 1. someone has to be on the other end of that trade, someone has to buy his assets (and we are liquidating billionaires after all) 2. the very act of selling his assets would require you to flood the market with those assets, and anytime you introduce a large supply of a commodity into the market, the price of those commodities goes down.
But lets say we are fine with the hit, and lets say the hit to their value is limited to 50% (it could well be more) now we have 3.35 trillion dollars or so. Huzzah! That amount won’t fix anything. Lets assume the 36 trillion is accurate, we can now pay 9% of it. Awesome – but the unfunded mandate over the next 75 years for social security is 25 trillion… we add in Medicare for the same time period it climbs to 78 trillion. Add the debt to it we have 114 trillion in government shortfall due, and while 2/3rds of it are due over the next 75 years but it’s still a huge problem. So we just upended the economy ruined 816 people (not making a value judgement on if they are ‘nice’ people or if they ‘deserve’ it. Some do, some don’t you think the guy who just won the mega millions for 1.22 billion is now somehow evil, where as the day before he won he wasn’t?)
You could add millionaires to the liquidation sure, and yeah you’d get more, but not a lot more. And I know what you’re thinking 50% of the countries wealth is held by the 1% how could you not get a lot more!!! Remember the 2 reasons we wouldn’t get 400 bills outta musk? Same rules apply to everyone else, if we liquidated the entire 1% we wouldn’t get 50% of the wealth of this country we would get VASTLY less, because you are greatly reducing the number of people who can afford to buy those assets, and the price at which they will be able to buy them.
So no – the government doesn’t have a taxing individuals problem (though the billionaires could definitely pay more), they have a taxing businesses problem. The US economy is a nearly 30 trillion dollar entity. Every one of those dollars flows through a business somewhere at some level. Corporate tax rate in the US is 21% lets say we want some deductions possible for legit expenses let say we cap the deductions to 6% of the total meaning that the government would collect tax 15% on the 30 trillion. That would raise federal government collections from 500 billion in 2024 to 4.5 trillion which would raise government income to 8.5 trillion per year. We could start knocking some shit down with that.
Edit 2: Yeah more sorry – we have a spending problem, but unlike what most conservatives will tell you it isn’t a spending problem on social welfare programs, or education, or research or government employees. It’s the military industrial complex. That is a big spending problem, but again here we are frustrated by having no simple solutions. You could say well just spend less, and sure. We spend 900 billion on defense, how much of that do you figure leaves the US? Almost none. The weapons, the ammo, the food, the logistics everything that our fighting men and women need to fuck shit up over there – is produced, bought and paid for here.
So what? well there is a huge section of the economy we are gonna affect if we draw back, and where do we draw back exactly? fewer weapons? less ammo? less ability to project power? That last one is the most likely, but even there we have a problem. The global economy is connected, and is connected based on the free trade and movement of goods. Free trade that has been largely guaranteed by the US military’s ability to project power and security. We pull back from that role, how does the world economy adapt, does piracy go up? do rogue actor states start wars for economic gain because they can? Yes and probably. How does that affect the 30 trillion dollar economy we live in?
There are no simple solutions. Period.
2 months ago
SS and Medicare are unfunded mandates and aren’t reflected in the national debt.
2 months ago
And corporations….
2 months ago
No it’s not that at all. It’s the spending. Has nothing to do with the taxes.
2 months ago
The top 10% pay over 75% of US taxes. What is being done with the money?
2 months ago
You can liquidate the top 1000 US companies, and it would not pay off the national debt. Congress has a spending issue, and instead of proper budgeting, they just continue to do the same thing over and over (continuing resolution). These people are drunk off of your money, and they just want more of it.
2 months ago
Don’t forget all the wars we didn’t pay for.
2 months ago
This is ignorant at best
2 months ago
This is factually incorrect. Ffs
2 months ago
Define “fair share”.
2 months ago
We have spent money our grandchildren haven’t earned yet.
2 months ago
Wouldn’t have a “deficit” if the government would quit spending more than they bring in, but cutting spending is a no no and the government continues to spend like they have a blank check for whatever they want to spend it on.
Government has a spending problem, not the amount that it collects.
What a dumb take. The top 1% (earners of ~800k and up a year) pay 40% of all federal income taxes. You may think the rules are unfair but they still pay what they required too. Expand that to the top 10% of earners and that percentage increases to 75% of all income taxes. The tax tables are progressive for a reason and the tax laws are written as they are. Don’t get mad at the top earners for paying what they are required to, blame congress. Of course we could also look at the 50% who pay zero of get more back than paid in due to various credits. And this is not a sales taxes debate so please don’t mention that in any comments since everyone pays those and those are not federal but state and local.
The simple truth it’s that the federal govt brings in about 4.5T a year in taxes and sets a budget to spend 7T. You’d have to seize all the assets of all billions in the country to make up for the short fall for a single year.
Bottom 50% pays 3%, but they keep chirping they want others to pay their fair share
It’s both. Money in – money out = deficit. Politicians can’t afford a calculator it seems.
Why keep using the “fair share” expression instead of giving us your proposal for what the actual numbers should look like?
Let’s imagine a country called Distopia where Mr. X earns 100,000MU (monetary units) a year and pays 30,000 MU in taxes. How much would it be fair for someone who earns 200,000MU?
Even with a 100% tax on all billionaires it would barely be enough to balance the budget. “Fair” share my ass. More like loot and pillage to keep up with the jones for another decade. Then when there’s nothing but a barren landscape left you’ll still end up in debt but this time no one has any wealth at all to pillage.
Okay, let’s take all of the money held by the top 1% and up. Hell, let’s take from the top 3% and up. Give all of those people’s assets worth towards the national debt aaaand we still have trillions in national debt. Please stop letting the news and fearmongering idiots do your thinking for you.
Thanks for sharing the Democrat’s talking points.
Wrongo. It’s because we spend way more than we take in. It’s time we started worrying about the spending along with people (not just billionaires or millionaires) paying taxes to support our crazy-ass spending. And because the Fed has to pay their bills they continue to print money, furthering inflation. I call out millionaires because I imagine there are far more millionaires than billionaires including MANY POLITICIANS.
The wealthy pay their share based on tax law.
The fed is not a for profit entity, they are a charity subsidized by the citizens. Lazy, over spending persons who don’t worry about the bak account.
In today’s world, statements that conclude with, “Simple as that” are rarely correct. There are a lot of inputs and outputs that go into why the deficit is as high as it is, and accelerating (FY 2022 -$1.376T / FY 2023 $1.695 / FY 2024 $1.833)
Mom said it was my turn to make bad takes on government finances
Revenue to GDP is [in line with legacy averages]( The debt has [doubled over the last decade ]( that new spend not tied to taxation has only managed to brute force[ 65% of growth](
We’re spending 40%+ more than we take in and are just now getting on the wrong end of interest on the sovereign debt. Let’s pretend we could pull $2 trillion more out of the economy without huge GDP headwinds and tax losses elsewhere… we’ll still be running a deficit.
We’re approaching full yield-curve control. The math tells us so.
Would be great if it was this simple. But it’s from years of mismanaging our budget.
This is completely false. We have BOTH a spending and income problem. The people that don’t care about our spending problem are just as bad as the people trying to avoid paying taxes.
It doesn’t matter how much or how fast you try to fill a bucket if it has a massive hole in the bottom. We could take ALL of the wealth from the rich and it MIGHT last for about a year or so
It’s a spending problem. You could take the entire fortunes of the top billionaires and you couldn’t even cover the deficit for 1 year, much less all the debt. The problem is the government spent all the money it was supposed to be saving for social security.
All of the wealth they have (if it could be converted to liquid capital without externalities) would fund the government for 8 months. It’s spending
Some of the billionaires actually got refunds.
Common sense would be to eliminate the cap on FICA – too bad it won’t happen anytime soon
Define fair share.
This is nowhere near accurate – you could liquidate all of the billionaires and millionaires and it wouldn’t close the gap. This is the kind of ‘simple’ analysis that leads to all sorts of erroneous beliefs about government and the economy.
Edit: Some context. There are about 816 billionaires who are US citizens. They are worth a combined 6.7 trillion dollars. A fuck load of money to be sure – if we were to liquidate them, we would in theory get 6.7 trillion, with which to pay debt. However, we can’t. And no – i’m not talking about it not being legal or ethical to seize a private individuals assets and sell them for the common ‘good’ though, that’s pretty horrifying if you think about it.
I’m talking about if you were to liquidate that kind of wealth its almost all in stock, and the act of selling something changes its value. Elon Musk isn’t worth 400 billion, his assets have a NOTIONAL VALUE of 400 billion dollars. You try selling everything he has? I’d be shocked if you got half of it. Why? Because of 2 reasons. 1. someone has to be on the other end of that trade, someone has to buy his assets (and we are liquidating billionaires after all) 2. the very act of selling his assets would require you to flood the market with those assets, and anytime you introduce a large supply of a commodity into the market, the price of those commodities goes down.
But lets say we are fine with the hit, and lets say the hit to their value is limited to 50% (it could well be more) now we have 3.35 trillion dollars or so. Huzzah! That amount won’t fix anything. Lets assume the 36 trillion is accurate, we can now pay 9% of it. Awesome – but the unfunded mandate over the next 75 years for social security is 25 trillion… we add in Medicare for the same time period it climbs to 78 trillion. Add the debt to it we have 114 trillion in government shortfall due, and while 2/3rds of it are due over the next 75 years but it’s still a huge problem. So we just upended the economy ruined 816 people (not making a value judgement on if they are ‘nice’ people or if they ‘deserve’ it. Some do, some don’t you think the guy who just won the mega millions for 1.22 billion is now somehow evil, where as the day before he won he wasn’t?)
You could add millionaires to the liquidation sure, and yeah you’d get more, but not a lot more. And I know what you’re thinking 50% of the countries wealth is held by the 1% how could you not get a lot more!!! Remember the 2 reasons we wouldn’t get 400 bills outta musk? Same rules apply to everyone else, if we liquidated the entire 1% we wouldn’t get 50% of the wealth of this country we would get VASTLY less, because you are greatly reducing the number of people who can afford to buy those assets, and the price at which they will be able to buy them.
So no – the government doesn’t have a taxing individuals problem (though the billionaires could definitely pay more), they have a taxing businesses problem. The US economy is a nearly 30 trillion dollar entity. Every one of those dollars flows through a business somewhere at some level. Corporate tax rate in the US is 21% lets say we want some deductions possible for legit expenses let say we cap the deductions to 6% of the total meaning that the government would collect tax 15% on the 30 trillion. That would raise federal government collections from 500 billion in 2024 to 4.5 trillion which would raise government income to 8.5 trillion per year. We could start knocking some shit down with that.
Edit 2: Yeah more sorry – we have a spending problem, but unlike what most conservatives will tell you it isn’t a spending problem on social welfare programs, or education, or research or government employees. It’s the military industrial complex. That is a big spending problem, but again here we are frustrated by having no simple solutions. You could say well just spend less, and sure. We spend 900 billion on defense, how much of that do you figure leaves the US? Almost none. The weapons, the ammo, the food, the logistics everything that our fighting men and women need to fuck shit up over there – is produced, bought and paid for here.
So what? well there is a huge section of the economy we are gonna affect if we draw back, and where do we draw back exactly? fewer weapons? less ammo? less ability to project power? That last one is the most likely, but even there we have a problem. The global economy is connected, and is connected based on the free trade and movement of goods. Free trade that has been largely guaranteed by the US military’s ability to project power and security. We pull back from that role, how does the world economy adapt, does piracy go up? do rogue actor states start wars for economic gain because they can? Yes and probably. How does that affect the 30 trillion dollar economy we live in?
There are no simple solutions. Period.
SS and Medicare are unfunded mandates and aren’t reflected in the national debt.
And corporations….
No it’s not that at all. It’s the spending. Has nothing to do with the taxes.
The top 10% pay over 75% of US taxes. What is being done with the money?
You can liquidate the top 1000 US companies, and it would not pay off the national debt. Congress has a spending issue, and instead of proper budgeting, they just continue to do the same thing over and over (continuing resolution). These people are drunk off of your money, and they just want more of it.
Don’t forget all the wars we didn’t pay for.
This is ignorant at best
This is factually incorrect. Ffs
Define “fair share”.
We have spent money our grandchildren haven’t earned yet.
Wouldn’t have a “deficit” if the government would quit spending more than they bring in, but cutting spending is a no no and the government continues to spend like they have a blank check for whatever they want to spend it on.