The Twin Towers built with Legos.

By suzaman
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Now do the pentagon

I could smell this comment section a mile away


How many pieces of lego did you use ๐Ÿค”

Nice before picture. ๐Ÿ“ธ

Jet fuel canโ€™t melt plastic blocks.

Pretty solid MOC. Iโ€™d rate it 9/11

Jokes aside, it looks like a beautiful recreation! ๐Ÿ™‚

Thatโ€™s a really bad idea.

This looks nothing like the movie! I can’t find Frodo anywhere. And tell me, where is Gandalf? For I much desire to speak with him.


This is pretty cool. But what now, do they just live in your living room forever?

*Honestly, Iโ€™m proud of you for notโ€ฆ*

*Pearl Harbour, on the other hand.*

Is Legos really the plural of Lego? I thought the plural of Lego was Lego. Like Sheep and Sheep.


No wonder they fell over


What is this? A centre for ants? This building needs to be at least…3 times bigger than this

Never forget (how much time you spent on this)

Dude, thatโ€™s cool as hell. Nice job.


I always like seeing the Twin Towers on here. 20 years gone and still iconic

I’m a little disappointed there isn’t a LEGO jetliner in the background.


here before it gets locked

>!r/LEGOplanes uh…oh!< (Sorry in advance for the dark joke)

Put the guy that walked a tight rope up there from one tower to the other. With police trying to get him down. Better than the damn planesโ€ฆ.

You know what you have to do

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