The UC Davis pepper spray incident that the university payed over $100,000 to “erase from the internet”

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Lieutenant John Pike was awarded $38,000 for psychiatric damage he claimed to have suffered for being infamous online.

I think this should be posted in r/anotherangle too.

was it erased from the internet?

Who did they pay the money to?

Good thing they took it down. That image could have been pretty damaging.

Pepper spray everything is a meme I remember blowing up as a kid. The cop in the picture is Lt. John Pike.

Wikipedia and know your meme has a lot of info on this incident and the backlash after it, so I’d say they wasted that 100,000 dollars

On April 13, 2016 The Sacramento Bee reported that it had obtained UC Davis documents through the California Public Records Act that showed that the university had paid at least $175,000 to public relations companies for work related to the “negative image” of the university that was circulating on the Internet.
UC Davis pepper spray incident – Wikipedia


Oh, the memes we had!

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Properly erased. I’ll erase it for 200.000$ dear UC Davis board 😂

There were a ton of memes with the cop (security guard?) and his can of OC.

Universities invented the internet. Surely they should know better? 😅😂

when we were told violence isn’t the answer is when we failed. look around. Violence is the answer.

2012 Occupy Movement. Fuck that guy. I remember when this happened. Pretty sure his private info was hacked and posted resultjng in hundreds of threats and harassment. He deserved every one.

Reminds me of Joel Michael Singer

Wasn’t this incident 12 years ago

we came a long way since the kent state massacre, dont we … [](




Advanced Milgram Experiment

God I forgot about this fat chode. What a douche.

That fat pig also got to claim post traumatic stress and got a taxpayer funded payout too.

Money well spent

I had a friend who was a cop at the time, his dad was a cop, his brother became a cop, all cops. He was like fuck ya, fuck those protesters. Our 20 year friendship was over, fuck that guy. Fuck his family, fuck all of them.

He ended up filing a worker’s compensation claim for psychological distress caused by the public’s reaction.

The guy was awarded $38,000 tax-free for pepper-spraying peaceful protesters.

Why are they all sat on the floor?

I fear this scene is about to become much more commonplace

Land of the free.


Anyone else find it a bit ironic a post made about a University and the use of “payed”?


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