the universe works in mysterious ways

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Ok, ok, ok Salma, I see where you’re coming from, but you still need to wiggle the ring toe in my, um, Gecko’s mouth just a little more. It’s important for the scene. Ok everyone, let’s reset. Quiet on set, Scene 28, Take 153………

So rammstein imitated tarantino huh ?
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If i could, i would too

You can be straight, gay and all the other letters of the alphabet.

That’s still Salma Hayek’s foot. Anyone who doesn’t think this is a great plan is a moron.


He was harder than Chinese arithmetic

By the time of this movie (1996) he was already famous and his fetish was also known to the public: he took the chance to (1) fulfill his fetish really direct way and (2) do this with Salma Hayek.

Said that: even if you are not into his fetish, WHO woud decline to do that to Salma Hayek? she was beautifull in 1996 and she STILL looks amazing (9/10 dudes would suck Salma Hayek toes)

That’s creepy

Can’t blame him.

Don’t make me tap the sign: that’s not her foot in his mouth

If you can dream it, you can be it.

I wanna see her face when she read that script

We make our own luck

If you love what you do you never work a day in your life.

In what world did Tarantino think that he could possibly look like any relation to Clooney?

What ? Tarantino has a Foot Fetish ?!?! I NEVER noticed !


Have you seen Once Upon a Time in Hollywood? Like half the runtime is dedicated to Margot Robbie’s feet

Part of the deal in Tarantino casting Travolta in Pulp Fiction, was Travolta had to go to Tarantino’s place and play a Welcome Back Carter boardgame with him in his basement. Travolta talked about it on Letterman if you want to dig.

Tarantino is an ummmm…. interesting dude.

Who wouldn’t. C’mon it’s Salma fucking Hayek!

Yall hate him cause you aint him. I would do the same in his situation

While quite self serving…I see a missed opportuntitties.

Dude probably stretched the hell out of his pants

Pervy, but wise.

Bet he couldn’t stand up after the scene was shot because he had a boner

Genius! Simply genius!

Baldoni “got off “ with Lively.
Scene-47, Take 153…

The man shot for the moon and got the moon

PHENOMENAL director.

Creepy, weird af dude that believes that 13 yr olds “ask for it”.

She was uncomfortable and used a stunt double for the scene.

And she agreed to play that role.

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