The very fact $1,000, is considered mid-range GPU, is pure comedy.

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and yet, this sub keeps eating it up 🫠

The fact that a 3090 is still selling for nearly MSRP two generations later is depressing. Cars lose their value quicker than GPUs these days. 

I see myself in this picture and i don`t like it. ( Take my upvote anyway )

Crypto, Covid, AI, and more to come.

We are still in the middle of AI craze

It will never pass because the GPU manufacturers have realised that people are willing to spend inordinate amounts of money on a GPU

the 50 thing is still about the AI craze.

I think I bought a 3080 12gb after 1 year and a half from release for roughly 1k euro. Even then, even in eastern europe, I expected it to slow down but nah. So I just said fk it. A gpu worth half of my pc. And I’ll run it to the ground before buying anything else.

I’m gonna just buy a Nintendo Switch 2. 🥰🫠

Cheaper to get a gaming laptop with 40 series than a brand new 50 series here. (Indonesia)

Imma just invest in Monitor and Keyboard and use the laptop as the PC.

Nvidia is becoming more and more like apple


Anyone who ever thought that this “phase” would pass is crying in agony right now.

who considers a 4070ti or a 4080 mid range??? integrated and 1660 are low end, XX60 and XX70 are mid range, XX70 TI and XX80 are high end, and XX90 is halo

GN’s new video showing the market share of 90/10 nvidia to AMD really shows why this is the case. Rough times to be in if AMD again doesn’t take the opportunity.

I’m staying with my 3080 for a long time.

Basically, when they turned the “not a gaming card” Titan model into the very expensive next step up and people bought it, we were doomed. Scalping showed them how much people were willing to pay for a GPU.

They don’t care about consumers, they are trying to maximize profit per die space. The only reason they are still making gaming cards at all is that they realize AI has a ceiling, and at some point, everyone that can afford a huge AI GPU cluster has one, or that bubble may straight up burst.

the only way is up

Happens crypto and AI gave Nvidia that price boost that any marketing expert would never be brave enough to propose.

This isn’t going to change unless the AI craze ends (unlikely), AMD gets interested in providing some real competition (also unlikely), or Chinese companies start making good gaming GPU’s (likely, but many years away, plus tariffs might ruin it for western consumers anyway).

Well the 30 series went down again after initial scalping. I suspect the 50 series will “normalize ” too after supply becomes normal. However the new normal is still high as fuck.

Someone in my area is trying to scalp their 5070 Ti for $3,200 CAD… absolutely insane…

I miss the days when the best GPU you could buy was sub £300.

This will only pass when Jensen starts respecting gamers who made nvidia what nvidia is today – he needs to pull his out of his ..

Bought a Steam Deck, never played on my PC after 🕺

Pure suckers

Not spending above 600+tax for any gpu.

Beyond that is unnecessary luxury at this point, the bang for the buck just isn’t there anymore.

Man I remember my 1080ti was around $650, and they actually reduced the 1080 msrp when the ti released rather than just overpricing the new release.

If AMD had a proper answer to CUDA and OptiX, I would switch immediately.

this just shows how ridiculous pc gaming is.

PS5 plays all the modern titles. the actualy graphical difference is minimal.

not only that, the current gen isnt even that much better than a ps5 pro which is 1000 usd (for most people)

current gen pc gaming is basically ps5 but more frames.

also as a pc gamer, having a ps5 as well, i can tell you that the user experience is so much better on a ps5. not even close. but thats more like window’s fault.

pricing wise, theres just no contest. if all u wanna do is gaming, always get a console.

Then there’s the fact that gaming GPU revenue is basically a rounding error in NVIDIAs portfolio

pls amd do something

Amd please do the right thing

Itll pass when you stop buying nvidia and their marketshare shrinks and their stock price tumbles forcing them to innovate

In mid 2014, ~6 months after release, I bought a pre-owned 780 Ti for $250. I think about that all the time.

Nvidia has releases so little GPU’s, that it’s impossible for OP to find one for his meme.

A job well done !

I love how you had to use an edited picture for the 5090 because its unobtanium

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