The view of the crowd after Bernie and AOC spoke today (OC).

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Starting to get the same vibes I had in 2024: how are crowds like this, with this much energy, showing up for rallies – and we still barely limp across the finish line at the polls?

I’m not a conspiracy theorist, and I want to (and do) believe our elections are fair… but losing every swing state after seeing Harris/Walz crush it with their rallies will just never add up to me.

And yet “somehow” rapist in chief won all swing states…….

Why was this not on the CBS evening news?

This is what political leaders do, they don’t cling to power forever they help find the young leaders of tomorrow and they champion them. Sanders is out here showcasing AOC and she deserves it. Pelosi had her daughter wheeling in Fienstien and we do not know who either mentored.

Say what you want about Senator Sanders but he is working for the American future by making sure people like AOC can lead.

That’s more like it👍👍👍

We all know how this ends

Trump has finally inspired the crowdsize he desired.

Lets see if Trump/Elon do the old “Fake crowd AI!” line.

Excellent article on how voter suppression put Felon 47 back in the White House to commit sanctioned thievery…

I’m a conservative and I always say the DNC fucked up, Bernie would have wiped the floor with Trump in 2016

FOTUS never had the crowds. Nice.

steve martin in blue cap, right corner

Ok, and?

Wake me when people start actually revolting. I’m going to be sleeping for decades.

Bernie had huge rallies when he ran but couldn’t get the votes. I hope it is different this time for someone really progressive running

Damn, I didn’t know the whitest town in America was in Colorado.

Always darkest before dawn

Not covered in the mainstream media!!

“We don’t need your votes” Donald Trump (2024) Clear to me it was rigged.

Whaddaya know, they’re not breaking an arm jerking themselves off about crowd size. It’s almost like they have more important points to address rather than deriving “importance” from the amount of seats filled. Damned liberals.

I’d bet not all these people turned out to vote….

It’s very white.

yeah too bad only about 50% of them voted in the last election

30,000 Strong

Thank you Bernie and AOC

We are with you

as a Canadian this does give me some hope that I can return to your beautiful country when the fever breaks.

I would’ve loved to be there.

Imagine if he was president the last 8 years as he should have been.

Jacob ronawikz in tan hoodie, middle right.

Come to San Francisco!


Legitimate question if bernie had been the candidate instead of harris do you think he would have won. As far as I know he’s mostly well liked but a good amount of democrats also don’t back him. I think it would have been a closer race.

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