The Vivienne (James Lee Williams) has passed this weekend.

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This is so upsetting. I saw her in the Wizard of Oz over the summer as the Wicked Witch and was so floored by her charisma and talent. Rest in peace and thoughts to her friends and family.

WHAT?! Like actually WHAT?! Holy shit, I am so shocked. This is terrible.

heartbroken and speechless.

one of vivienne’s favourite charities, if anyone else wants to say thank you

Bro wtf. I just saw Tia’s post…..This is absolutely heartbreaking. The Vivienne was a huge part of why UK Season 1 & AS7 were so enjoyable )): the world is such a cruel place. May she and her loved ones find peace <3

Doesn’t feel real, I thought this was one of those fakes at first. What an incredible loss.

OH MY GOD??? Is this for real?! I feel so bad, all condolences to the family ☹️💔

very rarely i am at the loss of the words and this is truly the moment where im like….wtf

rest in perfection legend

All Stars 7 will never be the same again. May she RIP. What a talent the world has lost. Heartbreaking.

shocked to hear this, so awful.

I saw Michelle Viasge’s post and hoped I misread it. What a shock.

Rest in peace, Vivienne.

She’ll forever be a legend.

I am lost for words. Rest in peace James.

This is horribly devastating. What a light. What a loss.

I can’t believe it, may she rest in peace

Absolutely heartbreaking. One of my favourite queens and so immensely talented.

Heartbroken. 💔 

Speechless. 😑

So glad they got an invitation to AS7 so we could have more of their talents recorded on film. 👑

It’s one of those times when words just won’t suffice. Heartbreaking.

This feels so sudden because a day or two ago, she was still posting regularly. As much as I respect the family’s wishes, I can’t help wondering what may have happened, but of course I won’t go ask them that.

This feels so weird because you usually think celebrities will always be there and just grow old with you. Especially drag queens that we see on TV.. wow. What a bad start to 2025.

This is heartbreaking wow my thoughts and heart go out to her family. I loved The Vivienne on her season and all stars. I’m shocked

Truly one of the most talented winners we’ve ever seen. She leaves behind a hell of a legacy.

they were one of my fave drag queens ever i’m so sad 😓

Wait what??? Is this for real? This is horrible

Such a shock, poor viv. She was just about to do another big show in London too. RIP 😭

This is… I just don’t know what to say

Losing an amazing drag artist and human being like The Vivienne, a tragedy is an understatement, my condolences to everyone to had the privilege of getting to know her

It is with great sadness that we take notice of this news. Out of respect we will be removing any comments that contain any form of speculation, it is neither the time nor place for that.

This is devastating. I’m at a loss for words. I’ve crossed Vivienne’s path so many times by coincidence over the years from the club days to her stint in Gran Canaria, and she was always lovely. Saw her just a few weeks ago in Chitty Bang Bang and met her at stage door with her dog. Such a talent lost.

This is absolutely tragic, such a talented artist gone too soon. Wishing her family and friends all the love and support they need in this time. This is absolutely terrible.

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Im actually at a loss for words. The Vivienne (James) was THE drag queen for me. She was the OG winner who brought the crown back to my county on the very first season of Drag Race UK. Who’s run on All Winners was immaculate and flawless. I took this picture with her at Danny Beard’s show. I was the one who came up to her, she had no obligation to talk to me, but she did. She got a picture with me and I got to tell her how much she meant to me. A true well-rounded queen, who is now no longer with us. I only knew Viv on a personal level through this interaction, and yet I feel like I’ve lost someone who I’ve loved for years. My family are in shock. You meant so much to us, James, and you always will. I don’t believe in heaven, but if it does exist, you best be there. I’m so sorry. RIP.

UPDATE: I broke down crying and my boyfriend’s comforting me. I didn’t realise HOW much The Vivienne meant to me. I hope everyone else is coping as best as they can.

This is HORRIBLE. My God, what a shame. Rest in peace Viv

Damn. The Viv was such an integral part of the Drag Race community and UK drag in general. one of the most well rounded queens and a genuine light.

This post was not made to gain any likes and sort.

It is just the news I think people needed to now!

For all of you out there – stay safe!

i am so sorry to her loved ones.

also sending love to everyone who loved her on here as well. what a loss for the community but also the world honestly. may she rest in peace.

This is so incredibly sad to hear. My heart goes out to her family and friends.

I can’t believe how much this is making me tear up. I LOVED her on UK 1, and All Stars All Winners, and loved how successful she was post-DR. There are no words to convey what the world has lost in a person.

Oh fucking hell, no. That’s just such a shock and 32 is no age at all. Genuinely shocked and at a loss for words.

32 is far, far, far too young. May her memory be a blessing

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