The wait line to get to the top of Mt. Everest

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That looks incredibly un fun

Long line to be a sub-par motivational speaker at mid-sized corporate team building events…

Okay, but what does the roller coaster at the top look like?

“Every dead body on Mount Everest was once a highly motivated person”

“We waited foreverest!”

-Hikers probably

Average climb costs around 60-100k, that’s a lot of money in that pic. I hope the mountain gets its share

Edit: [it does](

“I climbed Mount Everest”. “Who hasn’t?”

Clearly they could charge more.

Now we just need Morgan Freeman narrating it: March of the Tourists 😂

***I heard they’ve opened up a 7-11 store at the top…complementary Slurpee’s***…

Walking kilometers, for days, freezing, with your own feces dangling on a bag, seeing corpses once a while, barely breathing, after spending thousands of dollars, just to be part of a queue.

Bon Boyage I guess

Decades ago it was an achievement, now it’s just another rich tourist trap for people who hire others to do all the work for them.

That’s the line to the bathroom.

Everyone in this picture is sure they are the main character.

Nothing like slowly dying to have a 2 min photo op to then have to walk back down all the while still slowly dying

Couldn’t some of these people just find another mountain?

“So, what was it like?”

“You ever been to an amusement park?”

They finally put the moving walkway in?

that’s the line to get out of the khumbu icefall, 2 lateral *and* vertical miles from the summit. not really fair to say that’s the “line to get to the top”

Imagine freezing to death while In line on your way to freeze to death

To be fair, your mom clears this line in an hour

Waiting for the hero selfies doing the journey Sherpa’s can do weekly

you’re telling me after climbing a mountain such as Mt Everest, I gotta wait in A LINE to get to the top? What madness…

I. Don’t. Un. Der. Stand.

Just seems like a rich persons pass time and not really any fun

They should open a starbucks up there

These people are rich right? Probably the only time they waited in a line in adult life.

Front of the line passes are golden 😄

What a clown show.

Looks super exclusive!

*Disney on Ice*

These are all very wealthy people as well.

Fuckin cockroaches

“To boldly go where… 1,2,3,4,5,6…..42, 43, 44… 117, 118… people have gone before. So far today.”

No thanks. I guess to each their own but, man…. this seems to not be worth it. I stopped going to theme parks because the lines…this is the Mt. Everest ride now.

Legitimately, what’s the fucking point at that point?

Every dead person on Everest was once a highly motivated individual

I hate this.

Makes it look not so special anymore. Like a tourist attraction. Or a ride at some theme park…next!

Fckin rich tourists.

If I wanted to spend a bunch of money to stand in line, I could just go to Disneyland.

I like to think they are in line to become the next Green Boots.


Honestly just sad to look at

You need to purchase the Speed Pass Dad

If I was on that line I’d be thinking am I the next green boots

The black boot with yellow gaiters was a big seller that year…

How many frozen turds must one traverse to reach the peak?

How’s the cell coverage? I’m going to need to be able to scroll.

Looks less like an adventure and more like waiting for a roller coaster ride. Unreal

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