The warnings were ignored

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It’s going to slowly get worse and I don’t believe we’ll be motivated to stop it until it hits profits too hard across the board. For now it’s something they will continue to push to the side.

โ€œThe planet is FINEโ€ฆ

The PEOPLE are fucked.โ€

My rich boomer relatives understand that climate change is real, but they always vote for the party that wants to bathe the world in oil.

They’ll let their grandkids live in a hellscape so their investments go up 10%.

Probably not the โ€œall white Texasโ€ Abbott was wishing for

The world will Survive as it always has , the dumb fucks in the USA ( me included) will be the first to go. And hopefully thatโ€™s why the rest will survive. Things gotta change in the states.

The earth has 3 rotations.
Daily spin
Annual Sun trip
And a wobble that completes every 25k years or so.

I think we’re at the end of a wobble.

If its snowing in Dallas, I wonder what they promised this dude


I grew up in Dallas and it snows pretty much every year, just at weird times. Not tryna say the planet isnโ€™t fucked, but itโ€™s weird that Tollway having snow on it is being used as the indicator for that.

โ€ฆyeah. Yep. It sucks over here right now. But my folks are sending me videos of their dogs running around in the snow in the backyard, and my friends have kids who have never seen any real amounts of snow and are having the time of their lives, so that makes me feel a little better at least.

Tryna act like he donโ€™t see whatโ€™s going on
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LA is in a dire situation caused by climate change for sure, but as someone from that area of Texas this isnโ€™t all that rare. You usually get one snow a year or so.

because you idiots donโ€™t believe in climate change or global warming

It was nice knowing yall ๐Ÿ’•

Is it socially acceptable to slap climate change deniers yet?

This happens in Dallas pretty much yearly, this is very tame compared to weather events in the past

Right. It’s so funny them folks with that ‘save the planet’ nonsense.

Nah bruh. Save us from the planet. She’ll be fine.

Add the antichrist in office to that list….

Some called it Dallaska

20yrs is being optimistic.

Our lease is up, God wants us tf up out of here!

It’s a bunch of people that don’t understand weather in these comments

The billionaires know. Theyโ€™re funding disinformation to sew disunity while they build their bunkers and make the list of who gets to live in the compounds while the rest of us Children of Men/Elysium it up out here.

20 years is an overestimate

Nah Dallas gets one or two of these every year. Not denying the science but I donโ€™t like this anecdotal complete-the-narrative stuff. It distracts from the big Truth.

Good news! The planets gonna be fine. We’re screwed though.

Itโ€™s just gonna get worse, and nothing will be done. We wonโ€™t learn our lesson until itโ€™s too late. Nice knowing you all.

Of course we were fucking warned. But people will fight tooth and nail if you threaten their comfort and custom; they will feel entirely personally threatened if you question any of the consequences of their ‘way of life’, but especially so in a materialist-capitalist society. The moment people heard they might have to be introspective about how they trod upon the land they checked out of the program.

Warnings do nothing if action doesn’t follow. We’ve played three generations of “the kids will figure it out by then” and now all the adults are too busy blaming their grandparents for the problem to even bother to apologize to their children for it. Worse, we’re already in the crisis situation, but because it’s not constantly obvious we don’t know it. Historically, we just don’t do a damn thing until we’re into crisis,

i’m ready. the solution is what it will always be: unite, organize, demand a more democratic system and way of life. until then, we wait.

Didnโ€™t Texas also said no to changing its power grid system after the last snowfall froze everything over?

I want to remind everyone to prep. Put important docs in a ziplock bag n pack n emergency go bag just in case. Scan ur pictures and documents. Video your home and valuables. And get some protection to take with. You never really know whatโ€™s gonna happen. Especially w Orange Droolius in charge.

The day after tomorrow

It’s time, honestly

Aw fuck Texans and snow go together like my dog and a box of chocolates.

Abbott better get some snow chains for his chair.ย 

those who survive will be fine

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