The whitelash against Obama is still so strong!

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to be non-black yet always discussing black issues is the definition of obsession.

They literally started cosplaying revolutionary war tea partiers the moment he attained office in response. It is so unbelievably intellectually dishonest to claim that it was OBAMA and not them that it makes me want to find some pearls to wear so I can clutch them lol. The caucasity (and I’m fucking white!) Is breathtaking.

People forget that Trump started the birther rumor. Quit whitewashing history. 

Imagine having the internet and trying to gaslight non-conservatives into thinking the current racial tension started at Obama 🤣.

Racists got too comfortable being openly racist toward him and black people just wasn’t gonna let that shit fly. Their racism just got louder since then.

Obama broke white folks’ brains.

Some might not remember, but one time he wore a tan suit.

It was really messed up of Obama to stoke racial tensions in America by existing while black in the company of all the white supremacists here. He should have known better.

So divisive. I remember Obama’s inauguration speech: “Alright honkies, your time is up; lemme show you how a real nigga handles things…”

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Taken before Obama and I see a lotta tension. Not on Ms Eckford who remains unbothered and chic as ever but on the snaggletooth crone yelling to the left. And to the right, I know James Corden when I see him…

But just because Elizabeth and black people handled things in style doesn’t mean the mayo Americans werent tense af.

America has never seen such racial tension!

* Turns blind eye to ban on interracial marriage, the entire civil rights movement, do I really need to keep going?

Man all that aside, him saying “For those not old enough” made me realize there are near grown ass adults who were born post Obama, 2008 was 17 years ago, help.

the biggest lie ever told was the idea that racists somehow collectively gave up being racist after 1968.

the truth is social media exploded right as obama was elected and they all exposed themselves by sharing their true thoughts for everyone to see.

I had zero problems seeing racism in action 2 decades before I ever heard Obama’s name.

??? So Jim crow, slavery, sundown towns, KKK, J. Edgar Hoover, etc. were what? A good time?

What did Obama even do? He hardly brought up his race. It was always the racists on the right who brought it up. They were mad a black president got elected and have been making everyone’s lives (I mean everyone – the far right is growing worldwide) worse because of it.

White peoples tears against imaginary forces have influenced policy since americas inception. If anyone is stoking the flame, it’s them. They want everyone as miserable as them.

This is weird af

That’s crazy because it’s only “racial tension” when whites feel like they aren’t on top.

I remember my grandma watching Fox News in the 90s. Definitely seemed like they were a hair away from just screaming the N-word for an hour straight

“For those who aren’t old enough to remember, the anti-Black racists amplified their 400 year history of racism which included the ‘birther movement’ and the rise of the Tea Party. Simply because a Black man was elected president.” Fixed it for you.

I totally remember the time before Obama as a time of racial peace and tranquility, mainly because it was before cell phones had the Internet or cameras on them and it was easier for us whites to dismiss any claims of police brutality and other symptoms of systemic inequality.

If only Obama hadn’t stoked those racial flames and forced white people to protest him with posters of him as a witch doctor with a bone through his nose. We need to go back to that idyllic period when Ronnie Raygun was talking about welfare queens from Chicago getting in their Cadillacs to collect their food stamps, or when Bush the elder ran anti-Dukakis ads linking him to Willie Horton. No racial tensions then!

The number of people who couldn’t stand that we had a black president and would burn the whole country down because of it is a wonderment to me.

The entire reason the GOP looks like it does today is because them ✋🏻 folks couldn’t stand that he was elected lol.

The level of psychological warfare racist participate in should get them all tagged as psychopaths off rip. They walk up ready to gaslight everybody. lol.

“If you think about it, if black people didn’t exist then we wouldn’t be racist. So it’s their fault really.” – racists

The people who felt like this were merely comfortable in their positions and convinced minorities would never hold real power.

It’s crazy how some yt people are OBSESSED with black people. Get Out is starting to feel more like a documentary each time I read shit like this.

It is an absolute fact that in an effort to distract people from the ongoing class warfare that Occupy Wall Street protests were bringing attention to in 2012, the NY Times started pumping out articles about racism at 10x the rate they were before OWS protests. They use racism to divide and conquer. God forbid anyone talk about the 0.1%

The right are so good at re-writing history with lies and then having it repeated.

A special kind of delusion.


Of course he stoked racial tensions. Just by being. They want to actually blame him for their reaction to his existence??

As everyone knows racism in America started in 2008. Nothing racial ever happened before that time. Not one thing. Nope, not one damn thing! EVER!

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