The Woman with the Handbag

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We need more of her in America right now

So badass she got a badass statuecomment image

I hope she put a brick in her handbag

What we can see here is a peaceful gathering of friends and what appears to be a nice working man holding a flag, and then a member of the violent extremist left brutally attacking him.

-Fox news probably

What’s with all the weird Nazi apologists on here lately? Are Nazis good now or are people misremembering history?

She planted that back foot like she meant business! lol

Gonna need a lot more of that energy from now on.

And afterwards I bet the Nazis said that she was careless with her violence, and you could never reason with someone so violent.

[the statue]comment image)

Damn straight, I hope she had some rocks in her handbag that day

Yes please get this energy, America! 

If you don’t do this, you know what you get.

We are the handbag!

i want to be her so bad. just one chance and i swear i’ll take it


Never sen this, but gave me chills. Incredible picture

I hope she beat him to death in front of all his racist buddies.

She deserves to be remembered

Damn, Danuta was one tough bird!! 

Love it! A pocketbook full of Boom

Reminds me of man with da chips

She reminds me of the old lady from Madagascar


She is that lady from Madagascar

Only good Nazi is a dead Nazi

Crumplebottom? Is that you?

I was in high school in ‘85. The picture seems so old and comical. I don’t remember it being that way!

She would have been so fired by Elon….


She is doing a nazi salute!

Reddit, there’s no such things as neo nazis. Snap out of it

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