The worse she could say is NO

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Friendzoned by a prostitute is genuinely insane

Bro got friend-zoned by a professional, that’s a new level of wholesome pain.

Eh I feel like guy was probably too naive and young lol ya know people do stupid shit to fit in with “cool friends”

He was probably a minor or really really young

“So people stop teasing me”. Yeah, the teasing definitely isn’t gonna increase when they find out you lost your virginity to a prostitute.

And if he was gonna lie about it being a prostitute, he may as well just lie about his virginity.

She protected you from fucking your life up. Take the hint.

fake: anon meets a woman

gay: woman prostitute passes on anon

Good gal prostitute? She saved this guy from a downward spiral. Good on her.

Professionals have standard

I had a similar experience to this; but she just asked me why I didn’t just find someone my age instead.

get scammed lmao

Who are these “people” who are teasing anon? Does anon think that announcing that he had to resort to a hooker will make it better?

that pat on the head was her planting a tracker to later rob his ass

Fake: Prostitutes would never do this. It’s their job to bang guys like this.

Gay: Anon rejected the prostitute bc he realized she’s not a transvestite.

Go to a different prostie, problem solved

I actually found it wholesome, an impure person protecting an innocent child.

Maybe Pray for it cuz paying ain’t working.

Probably he took one look at him and she thought “aw hell no, he’ll defo want some mongolian cartoon shit”

…did he get his money back?

She literally saved you

Bro is a cutie patootie

bro got the ultimate “focus on yourself” card

Bro the only reason you lose your virginity to a prostitute is if your step dad payed for it at an extremely inappropriate age, or you’re 40 and it still hasn’t happened. You don’t start with prostitutes. Go flirt with some milf at a bar.

You shouldn’t really lose your virginity to a prostitute, your first time should be with someone you actually like

Fake: Anon met up with a prostitute gay: anon’s prostitute is a he

Go home and find a nice girl 👍

Bro never read art of the deal

I would end it.

Damn, what a tremendous trauma

Gay: anon didn’t have sex with a woman

Fake: anon wanted to have sex with a woman

My condolences. Anon got that IT nerd look.

Anon is meant to be a pack mule, he should embrace his destiny.

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