The year was 2011

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song’s great wdym

Now he’s just somebody that I used to know

Ok I agree it’s generic heartbreak song lyrics, but they’re not especially bad as compared to most pop music about the subject. Song still slaps imo

And Gangnam Style was just a few months away.

It’s good actually

Black sheep, black sheep, have you any wool?

…but what did the fox say?

Damn, and this whole time I thought I was a millenial

Lyrics were a letdown but the overall quality balances it out

What’s wrong with the lyrics?

Wrong i always hated it

I hated it the first time I heard it.

The cool part is I don’t know who and what this is. I’m ok with that

I mean sure, kicking someone’s monkey and using their goat is kinda crappy but I dont know why that would make me hate the song forever after………

Listened to it only once. And that was one time too many already thanks. Then was forced to listen to it in every shopping mall or supermarket. It was on the radio 20 times a day. And now it’s back in my head, thanks a lot.

Wow I didn’t realize I had to be a millennial to listen to this. I honestly thought I was gen Z

I’m a Gen Z and I hate it

Gen Z, but same

the lead instrument part has the same beat as twinkle twinkle little star and now you cannot unhear it

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