There goes half of America.

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Fucking hell we’re extremists now?

101 dictator playbook material right there

I guess one man’s terrorist truly is another man’s freedom fighter.

That reminds me: has the NRA given a Statement about the assasination?

But supporting Rittenhouse’s murders was ok, innit?

Charging him with terrorism to open the door for labeling sympathizers as terrorists as well.


Flag me, I guess. Idc. He’s a symbol of virtue to me

Ever notice how NYPD are always popping off with right wing extremists shit?

they care more about people commenting on how the system is garbage and screws us all… maybe worry about actual extremists that are all over the internet, but a billionaire isn’t involved so they don’t care too much.

So if you support consequences for mass legal murder by heartless health insurance companies you’re an extremist now? Fine, sign me up.

We all lived through January 6th. I’ve watched literal Nazis walk through our cities, armed. If I’m an extremist, well sign me up then, because I think the world would be a better place if more CEOs got the Luigi treatment.

Never be afraid to say it. They can’t come after most of us, and that makes them afraid. They’d like us to stop, but I personally won’t.

I think NYPD is becoming a little extremists themselves here. Threatening framing you like a potential terrorist for not falling in line with their viewpoints.



Does “I don’t condone it, but I understand,” count? Because that’s 75% of the country right there.

Threaten people, that will get them to your side!

Not the NYPD threatening the first amendment rights of 18-29 year olds.

I’m an extremist now ig. fuck that CEO

Then it would be easier to make all of America a miserable prison and put those few handful of allies of the CEO in their own separate, protected, elite space. Oh wait, such is already the case.

Luigi Mangione is a hero! 🥳🥳 We should celebrate the day every year.

If we’re all labeled extremists, then it really will be an “us vs them”

Hard to call it extreme when it’s a large majority of the population. These guys are really worried…and they should be.

By definition, doesn’t “extremist” constitute a minority? As in far removed from the center, or the average viewpoint?

NYPD, if you’re reading this, please add me to the list.

While I think murder should be punished, lest we devolve into a society where people can kill those who they disagree with and suffer no consequence, I also think Luigi’s reasoning is valid, that he’s a better person than the man he killed, and that the killing will do more positive than negative in the long term.

If we all get on the list then the list becomes meaningless.

Gotta love how kids getting shot in schools is considered business as usual

But, one rich greedy cunt gets killed and we’re supposed to be in mourning ?

Thought Police as well?

Hey that’s one way to cripple federal surveillance capabilities

The real extremists are the ones defending the current system 

NYPD database just exploded.

The day Luigi was charged as a terrorist some people voiced a concern that it was only so any support for him would be legally justified for tracking as it was seen as supporting terrorism…and here we are today.

I’ve been an extremist since Vietnam, so welcome to the club.

this obvious trash is being posted over all soc media platfrms — corporate-fascist oligarchy running scared . . .

Rich people shitting their pants when they realise that we are getting fed up.

Christ was labeled an extremist for calling out the elites of His day.

this is how you create a martyr.

the elite are so out of touch. it happens every time. they dont want to create a martyr but everything they think wont create one is actually creating one. that big display of police and the mayor walking Luigi around…. and now this too. hahahahahaahahahaha. they’re so damn stupid. they dont understand how us “working class” people think at all.

More like 90 percent.

And suddenly USA is a police state.

(Just joking. It’s not suddenly)

Supporting a person who killed a serialkiller is “extremism”?

The elderly always think youth criticizing their fuck ups are extremists

Half has to be an understatement

Don’t like it that people die because they are poor = extremists. Fuck off.

If a government labels half their country as extremists, perhaps its the government themselves that are extremists.

Tow the line or be culled. Yup, that’s democracy alright đź‘Ť.

So I’m going to play the, “what I heard game”.

What I heard, is that unless we condemn this guys actions, a branch of the government will label you (read, put on a list) an extremist.

Let that sink in.

keep drawing battle lines, I don’t think you’re scaring people into complacency the way you think you are…

its way more than half of america

Then come get me. I’m extremely the most extremely extreme person. luigi Is a hero.

I have to ask, who the *hell* is the NYPD’s publicity agent? I ask because I have an enemy I’d like them to go work for.

Terrorism is when you go against capital, got it NYC.

Screw the rights of protestors, schoolkids, etc.

How’s this for extremism? FUCK THE NYPD!! They can get some too.

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