There was a moving worm in my pizza at a fancy restaurant in italy

By Estesp
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I am not a native English speaker, but isn’t that a caterpillar?

That’s how you know the ingredients are fresh!

Yes that means it’s fresh. Also means they didn’t wash it properly though.

It’s just a little inchworm munching on some basil. Totally harmless.

I took a client to a high-end restaurant, and a cockroach crawled out of his salad. Good times.

He is adorable! That is some fresh basil!!

I mean… This is just the reality of growing food. This reminds me of my neighbour who was disgusted when I ate Lemons off my lemon tree. Like where do you think Lemons come from?

They call me Dr Worm. I’m not a real doctor but I am an actual worm.

Green inchworm on plant=no pesticides. Probably the freshest basil ever!


Looks like a Cabbage White butterfly caterpillar. I get those in my garden here in Oregon.

I also get emotional when I find bugs in my food.

That means the ingredients are really fresh and no unnatural pesticides are used. I just recently had these little fuckers in my garden absolutely decimating one of my plants.

What makes it worse is that I just got a fungal infection under control for that plant, so it didn’t even have that many leaves left.

Did you pay premium for organic ingredients? If so, you defo pay right price 🤩, can’t get more organic than this

And they didn’t charge you extra for it? Bonus!!!

I don’t know why, but seeing this wouldn’t bother me; I’d still eat it. Any other bug/worm and hell naw, but a lil inchworm is apparently just fine.

I harvest from my organic pesticide free garden, wash everything in a 5 gallon bucket with hydrogen peroxide, then one with just water. The number of worms I find anyway is surprising. These little ones have strong grips.

With all that said I wouldn’t worry. Inchworms are everywhere.

Honestly? I’d be okay with seeing a little guy like this on my greens in a restaurant. I know that’s fresh. I’d scoop him up and take him outside. His poor little feet must be burning on top of that hot pizza.

Honestly it took me an embarrassing amount of time to see the worm. I was like is the worm in the room with us? lol. so basically i would have eaten it and not even noticed.

On Tuesday the hungry caterpillar ate four basil leaves and he was still hungry

It might be your pizza but that’s his basil leaf. You’re ruining his meal asshole.

That’s a catapillar

You wanted fresh and organic, there you go.

Good sign that the basil is fresh and low in pesticides 👍

happened to me too! i ordered lasagna with a side salad and got a little caterpillar with it. i just let him hang out and put him in a flowerbox before i left

extra protein

It’s fresh and organic. Could do a lot worse. Just pluck it off and chow down. Eating the worm is optional.

eat it

Really fresh basil 🙂

That worm had to survive multiple washes, packings and handlings to make it this far. It’s obviously the best of them and you should eat it to gain it’s power.


Do you wanna eat poison or bug guts?

Worked with pizza and fresh basi daily for a decade, ive seen tons and tons of these guys… They are extremely common in fresh herbs

Don’t worry. They won’t eat much.

I gathered, washed and spun dried my basil fresh from my garden and make caprice salad sandwiches and somehow a little buddy managed to not only survive but hold on to a leaf. I was about to take a bit and it popped its head out of the sandwich and scared the shit out of me. Being that i have a stupid fight or flight reflex i sorta dropped and slapped the sandwich so hard i smashed my plate, cut my hand and generally just embarrassed the hell out of myself. The little dude was still alive. I figured it deserves to live if it can take on a human and live so i put it in a container with sticks and some leaves and let it become a moth and set it free. Kinda hoped it would be pretty but it was just a plain white moth lol

Tldr Moth: 1 Human: 0

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