There was a problem. They fixed it. They apologized. They gave us 200 units. We forgave.

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comment image?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=530014cc070c7fb774963d9f69fd709c34b4c825

wow it wasn’t even down an hr

Another W. Even though I wasn’t personally affected, I’ll gladly take the compensation. Tyvm

Damn, can we get a few more issues? I wouldn’t mind a free skin.


Enjoy and do not forget these times lads. A game company that actually cares about their audience is so rare nowadays. I wonder how much it will last. The greed always wins

Me at work hoping for more server issues
comment image?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6af579f9da60cbe706bb78362edaec9bea2f42d

I didn’t have any issues either but now I’m sitting at 2400 units waiting for a good skin to appear in the shop
comment image?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=2fd423bbf0df880a90ed15ae842782dba24760ae

Now I need a good C&D skin (the elf one is good but not even close to skins like wedding and punk ones)

dear lord in heavens please create more server issues like these so i can get more units for free. Amen.

Oh yeah there gatcha devs alright

Me who hasn’t even gotten a chance to play since Thursday cause of work


Damn 200 units, I think many would have been suprised or hapoy with at 200 chronotokens

When’s the next server issue?


THE SERVERS WERE DOWN!? Must’ve been the wind…

Oh neat. Might buy the battle pass after all. 

That’s a huge compensation, I already have 2 legendary skin and with the symbiote Spidey in the future it will be 3 and I only buy battle passes

This is basically one of the stables of various asian games that i wish the west would take more to them, give some sort of reward or currnecy for delays or maintenance and people wont be mad but actually happy when it happens.

Cool ffee vlue coins as apology. Win take from the devs. Thx guang guang and gang!

I propose a DDoS attack on rivals servers every Saturday at 9PM CST. Everyone do a mass login and crash their servers. More free units

My response to this is: This is how you handle things as proffersionally, you apologize, you correct/fix and you compensate appropriately, thus, trust is retained.

Sony should learn a thing or 2 after the last psn problem.

Gacha game bros are very familiar with this one good old apolounits

These Dev’s have only really been giving W’s, I am sure it won’t last forever but right now I can only praise them, amazing.

Sweet, I’m glad I went to sleep early.

Oh, so that’s what was happening. The game was acting super weird when i tried to find matches yesterday. I thought it was my connection

someone sabotage their server AGAIN so we could get more token pls, that would be fantastic

I wasnt home for the whole day this is so free

just opened the game and wanted to post this. GOATED DEVS

How it feels to be compensated for an issue that I didn’t personally face.


I get 200 units and I’m well rested today pretty good deal for me lol. Win-win.

The server issues were like perfectly timed with when i should have been going to bed for work today. If they weren’t fucked up I definitely would have been “one more gaming” it today”

i never noticed it but i will gladly take it

There was a server issue?

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