There were signs

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This was written by Michael from arrested development

There’s no way this is rare, either. They just don’t stop most people from driving.

Have you heard of the term gumping it?

Op forgot the most obvious sign: she was dating him

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>she is prohibited from getting a drivers license


I dated a girl that was on that level of stupid. She couldn’t even halve a recipe but also wanted to be a doctor.

I would have just told her earth is round because all celestial objects beyond certain mass naturally form round shapes and penguins dont fly because they are on no-fly list since 911

Are the last two really stupid questions? The average person doesn’t know the in depth reason why the earth is round and what makes a bird fly. I doubt she is asking either of those questions in bad faith.

Bro wanted a trad gf but is dyslexic

did Brian post this or something


Break up with her, she’s too good for you

Don’t worry. It’s sounds like you are barely smarter than her

If I lost the genetic lottery I wouldn’t tell anyone, but there would be signs

I know a guy who works with at risk kids. He took a couple kids to mcdonalds one day and ran into an old girlfriend. She was with a group of mentally disabled people. He thought she was there as a sort of guardian but quickly realized she was a part of the group.

He just kept saying “I didn’t know. I didn’t know” while telling us about the encounter. It was the most Seinfeld scene ever. We all knew but he just couldn’t see it.

tl;dr my ex was super knowledgeable about random topics so i had a little too much fun asking him dumb, very broad questions about random things all the time just like “why is the earth round” and “why can’t penguins fly” and he thought i was really, really dumb instead of just really dumb, wasn’t a great idea from me in the long term.

I dated a guy who just had like a shit ton of esoteric knowledge like I swear if he ever went outside he would win every Trivia Night at any place he went so I would just ask him a lot of stupid questions about random shit like anything I’d see. He would explain to me how the sun worked, how baking works, how reinforcing the status quo works, just about anything and he would do it with such passion and whimsy like he actually gave a fuck about everything you could ever know and it was fun having him explain it to me, so sometimes I would pretend to be a bit more dumb than I actually am (I’m pretty out of touch with reality and held back two years in school) and it really bothered him. He knew I was playing up my stupidity for entertainment (and asked me to stop, which I wanted to but it was also kind of a habit I’d had for like a decade always being a stupid class clown and shit) but I guess he started believing it at some point.

We worked at the same place and I remember one week he got overtime and was wondering how much he was gonna make in total for the week and I did the math in my head on the spot for his hours worked x wage + hours worked over overtime amount x increased wage and after putting it into his phone calculator himself after that he acted so shocked I was capable of doing a normal multiplication question that it actually felt insulting like it was seeing a Rock on the ground speak fluent English to you.

I definitely got too insecure about it and it lead to a couple worthless arguments that could’ve easily been dropped. Relationship ended over an argument about the definition of the word “phobia” in which he called me stupid for using it wrong and asked me if I knew what it meant, and when I replied with the exact definition verbatim from memory he just got more mad at me.


Living like that ~~doesn’t have to~~ can’t be easy, but the kind of questions at the end of the post sound wonderful to me. Either I know the answer and we get to talk about something that usually I don’t talk with people or I have to look it up and we share some time like that. It has reminded me of the innocence and curiosity that I lost along the way, and boy do I miss it.

OP, you know the earth is round, and penguins can’t fly, but can you explain those correctly in a way everyone could understand? I mean, mist people wouldnexplain earth is round becuase of gravity… But still.. why?

But is she hot.

This is probably the only reason you have a gf.

She can’t count by twos or tie her shoes but god damn she can suck cock like a genius

Not understanding the cosmological processes of planet formation, or evolutionary pressures on Antarctica and the resulting biological tradeoffs, is not really a sign of low IQ.

See the happy moron

She does not give a damn

I wish I was a moron

My God! Perhaps I am!

Is she hot tho? That would make up for it like in family guy


Her question about Penguins doesn’t actually seem dumb to me. I would actually like the answer. Are they just too fat?

I seriously don’t understand in which way this is funny? Could someone explain? (I am mentally challenged)

To be fair I’d rather someone ask ‘why is the earth round’ than state that it’s flat.

Neither of those questions are stupid, especially because I doubt most people could answer them within a reasonable degree of scientific accuracy.

“In hindsight I probably shouldn’t be surprised, there were signs.”

u/Acceptable_Cloud_565 , that is not acceptable


OP is Deandra

Well I hope she’s happy and has a great life.

Not everyone needs to be a genius, she may have other wonderful qualities, being artistic, being kind, being musical. Lots of people struggle with different aspects of life, but excel in other ways.

It takes all sorts.

Please invest in at least 3 forms of birth control.

I mean technically question “Why Earth is round” is not that stupid question. You have to understand many astronomical and physical concepts in order to get a grip on it.

I mean if it took you 6 months you should get tested yourself.

Was she British?

“Why is the earth round?” is actually a pretty good question that most people actually can’t answer unless they know something specific about mass-distribution and gravity, which I can assure you most people don’t

And now I’ve just realized why this is so funny, maybe I’m intellectually disabled as well

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