There’s always that one kid

By Nientea
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I, unfortunately, was that kid

That one kid probably also has collector’s anxiety

For those that don’t know. While most matter in the universe is either solid, gas or plasma. In rare cases matter can also be in a state that physicists call liquid. A liquid is almost uncompressible and conforms to the shape of it’s container. Fun fact: every time you drink water, you are actually ingesting matter in it’s liquid state.

Thing is, it’s not even true. There are 3 states of matter, which is defined as how atoms interact *with each other*. Plasma isn’t a state of matter as it’s not how they interact with each other but how a single atom is behaving. The states of matter can easily be described mathematically by the correlation of temperature and pressure and can be visualized by a phase diagram. They are in the end derived from the ideal gas law. None of this applies to plasma which in itself could in theory even occur in solid and gaseous forms. Everyone speaking of plasma as a state o matter hasn’t understood what a state of matter is.

the way of getting bullied to like to answer to questions so teacher won’t face silence…



Plasma magma

I dont get it


I am that one kid

How dare you call me out like this

“Actually, there’s four”

”Actually, there’s five”

”Actually, there might be six”

”Actually, the properties aren’t neatly divided and it’s more accurately depicted as a scale than a set of categories”

”Actually, the concept of matter is based around how atoms interact with each other, so while there are some edge cases, they more or less all fall into three basic sets”

”Actually, there’s four”

What’s toothpaste.

best way to find who to bully first

there is one in every classroom

They should add the exception so people are aware. Bad teaching

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