There’s cities, there’s metropolises, and then there’s Tokyo.

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Tokyo’s 1990 census showed a population density of almost 28,000 people/km²…

Every time I see this photo posted it loses more and more color, it’s not this gray irl. Lots of densely packed buildings yes, but lots of trees and parks littered throughout the metro area

And one of the cleanest cities in the world. Anything is possible when you have even a basic mindset of not shitting when you’re eating.

If Japan ever falls into economic ruin, Tokyo’s going to be one enormous dystopian nightmarescape.

I spent 2 years in the Navy here. Flown all over that city and Fuji in my helicopter. Some great memories! There’s a landing pad right in the middle of the city at a place called Hardy Barracks. Always loved going in there at night. And around Tokyo Disney.

It looks massive.

Tokyo ~16000 people per sq. mile.

NY City ~ 29000 people per sq. Mile

Tokyo’s sprawl is impressive. Since they have 2 million more people and less population density.

The opening scene of Akira looks much more detailed than I remember it.

Hive City

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The city is absolutely massive. Buildings as far as the eye can see. I took this from the top of the 450m tall Tokyo Skytree in October.

Tokyo has an bigger population than Australia

Let that information get processed, slowly

I only see akira

São Paulo is bigger

How long does it take to travel from one side to the other?!

Wow nobody talks about greatness and beauty of Mount Fuji


Not the best place to be when the Zombie Apocalypse strikes…

Dots anyone know where this photo can be found in its highest resolution?

Edo was the world’s largest/most populous preindustrial metropolis in the world, which is even more impressive than the modern version in my mind.

It looks like moldy bread.

This is why vegans need to stop. No trees , grass or anything!

Woah, that’s impressive 😳
I wonder how’d prepare for an evacuation in cities like this one in case of an emergency. I imagine it’s not even an option.
May be too crowded, too 😅



Part of my gaijin heart will always be in Tokyo ❤️‍🩹

[Why does this seem so familiar? Oh yea.] (

It’s fascinating

I’d like to live on the edge bit near the mountain.

Tetsuoooooooooooo !!!!!

Heading there for a month in april, so excited.


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Sick angle to look at it.

Katsushika Hokusai would have approved I’m sure.

I need to see this one day.

Man that’s incredible. Can’t wait to see it myself, but gotta have the money and I want to learn enough of the language that I can get a full experience

there’s too many of us

We are the Borg, resistance is futile..

one shade of gray.

My house is in this picture

City: …

City, Japan: Wow, that’s interesting

If not for my chronic fear of earthquakes I’d love to live in Tokyo for a while. The sheer density along with the Japan’s obsessive cleaning means there are potentially an endless number of amazing things to see & do everyday.

I wonder what the Shogun 徳川家康 & supposed founder of Edo would think of his City today.


Hell on earth

I want to move there…so sad that it will most likely remain a dream. I will say that it should be possible, but my wife is terrified of earthquakes and tsunamis…

R/absolute unit of a city

I am looking for a topdowwn Vbutiew of Tokyo area at Sekunde the meiji era an compared to modern day. Saw Something Like this once lost it.

They got an outback steakhouse tho?

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